Poor kid

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After a few hours of listening to the twins cause mischief our fearless leader shows up. Kronos walks in wearing a very old suit. It looks like he is going to the 20's. Everyone gives him a look.

"What isn't this the style?" He asks.

I shake my head, "No, where did you get that?"

"Some department store." He answers trying to button it.

"Where are you going?"

"A fancy party." He answers.

Asteria and I look at each other. Then she takes his hand.

"We need to fix this." We walk down to the Yacht and go through his closet.

Soon we find a suit and hand it to him. By the time he walks back into the room Asteria left. He holds the tie in his hand.

"Mind giving me a hand?" Clearly he doesn't like help.

I nod and start to put the tie on him, "Good thing I am here."

He rolls his eyes, "Why is that?"

"You would be ruining whatever you are going to."

He chuckles, "You would be sad about that."

I give him a confused look.

"This party will not only help my army, but the man I need to speak with has something to help bring your mother back." He explains.

I stop, "What?"

"It is called σκηνή των αναμνήσεων." He looks in my eyes as he speaks greek, "I mean you do want her to have all of her memories?"

Having Greek as my native tongue I know exactly what he said. The English translation is The Tabernacle of Memories. It is guarded by a cruel man that is a gang leader.

He groans and changes the subject, "Why can't I wear the other suit?"

"Because you looked like you were from the 20's and if you are going to that it is best you dress to impress." I reply.

Kronos chuckles and I pull the tie tight. He glares at me and I walk away. The yacht had set sail an hour ago. I walk over to the railing and look at the horizon. Asteria walks over to me.

"So you are the one he talked about." She murmurs.

I smile, "I guess. Nothing bad I hope."

She nods, "For him at least."

"Not talking bad of me are you ladies?" Kronos walks onto the deck.

Prometheus and Helios walk onto the deck, "Looking good, brother."

Kronos gives them a fake smile, "Thanks."

Asteria and I smile at each other.

Kronos glares at us, "Don't even start."

"So tell us about this party you are going to." Helios says.

Dad fixes his cuff, "It is just a party that could help."

An explosion sounds from beneath us. We all exchange confused looks. Soon two monsters drag up a young half-blood. He looks at Kronos with fear.

Kronos narrows his eyebrows, "What is going on?"

One monster hisses, "He tried to blow us up."

Dad groans and turns away from the kid, "Why does everyone want to blow me up?"

Maybe because you want to take over the world. Asteria give each other a look.

"Aurora what are you doing here?" the boy asks.

I look at him in shock. Dad freezes glancing slightly at me.

"Have we met?" I ask.

He nods, "Ya we are friends. We have known each other since we were born."

My family and I start to laugh. He gives us a confused look. I actually thought he knew me.

I smile, "How old are you?"

"16 like you." He stutters.

Dad even starts to laugh, "Wow you really are desperate."

"Kid I am a millennia older than you. Which proves you are lying and stupid for even trying." I reply.

We start to laugh again. Soon everyone is on deck. I notice my dad's scythe in his hand and frown. No, I don't want an innocent killed. Sure enough he slices the kid in half. The kid disappears and everyone goes silent.

Dad twirls his weapon in his hand smiling, "Does anyone else want to try to kill me?"

Nobody moves an inch.

"No takers?" He mocks.

Still silence.

"That is what I thought." He mutters.

Kronos makes his scythe disappear, "Everyone is dismissed!"

Quickly everyone leaves us.

"Now where were we?" He acts like nothing happened.

I feel bad for the kid. I have to fake this out.

Prometheus looks at what I think is the invite, "You are supposed to bring a lady with you."

Dad frowns, "Well who wants to be my date?"

They look at us. I frown. Not happening ever.

"Don't look at me. I am not even going to fake dating my dad." I growl, "That is wrong on so many accounts."

Asteria frowns, "I don't want to either."

Dad fakes hurt, "You wound me ladies."

Helios rolls his eyes, "Well one of you have to."

"Phobos choose which one has to go with Lord Kronos on a date." Prometheus orders.

Phobos looks surprised by the question, "Um, Aurora."

He gives me a smile. This must be pay back for something.

Helios smiles, "Lucky you."

I groan, "This will be awkward."

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