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I suddenly run into a man. Before I can fall he catches me.

“Woah there, love.” he helps me up.

“Sorry, I wasn't paying attention.” I apologize.

He smiles, “No that is alright. I am Quintus, the new sword instructor.”

I smile and shake his hand, “I am Aurora, the lava climbing instructor.”

He asks, “Wait you are the sister of the great three?”

I cross my arms, “Yup that's me.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you.” he departs.

I sigh and head to the lava wall. The man from the alley seemed so familiar but I can't place him. Could he be a titan?

Percy snaps me out of my thoughts, “I hate this wall.”

I laugh, “Oh come on Perseus it isn't that bad.”

He groans and starts to climb. I laugh when he gets stuck.

“Um I don't know where to grab.” he grips the stone.

I roll my eyes, “To the left of you.”

He sees the spot and makes it to the top. I smile and suddenly I hear yelling.

“Help! He needs help!” Clarisse takes a boy over to a bench.

I run over and look at him. He starts to say weird words. Soon Chiron gallops over.

“We need to wait for Dio to return.” Chiron says.

Clarisse argues, “Aurora can't you do something?”

I shake my head, “No making people go mad is easy but to make them sane again is dangerous. If I make one wrong move this could get worse permanently.”

We take him to the big house and Clarisse refuses to leave his side. I sit by her and him.

“Where did you find him?” I ask.

Fear flashes in her eyes, “By my house, he was in the labyrinth. Aurora I know he is with Luke, but we can't turn our backs on him.”

I nod, “We won't, I promise. You need to be patient though. Take me to where you found him.”

“I am coming with.” Drew walks in.

I shake my head, “No, just me and her.”

Peter walks in, “It could be a trap. So you, Drew, Clarisse, and I should go together.”

I groan, “Fine, but we don't go deep. All we need to do is check it out.”

They nod and we go pack. I change clothes and put my hair in a ponytail. Then we get in Drew's truck.

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