A deal

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After two days of fighting we all are tired. I help the Apollo kids with the wounds, but there is only so much that can be done. The Ares cabin have finally joined us after a Drakon fight. We found out who the spy was in our army and unfortunately she died. Yes she betrayed us, but she was actually forced to do it.

Percy walks over to me as I heal someone's wound, "My lady, we need to talk."

I nod and walk over by him, Thalia, and Grover.

"A Titan wants to talk to us under a ground of truce." Thalia explains, "He asked for us three, but we want you to come. You know the Titans and could help us, plus you can speak with the Gods."

As soon as I nod we head over to the meeting place. Like I guessed Prometheus waits with a monster and Ethan. He sees me and looks slightly shocked.

"Aurora good to see you again. "He says.

I reply, "Wish it went both ways, uncle."

He nods and sits at a picnic table, "Please have a seat."

None of us sit down.

My uncle doesn't look surprised, "Let me see if I got this right, you are Thalia Grace, Grover, and Percy Jackson. I have heard much of you all. All I want is to make an agreement with you. Lord kronos is willing to be generous."

I scoff at the word 'Generous.'

Prometheus sighs, "He has said that if you all lay down your weapons now and join us, he will forget this whole ordeal even happened. No more of your friends need to die. We outnumber you by a lot and you can't win. I am the Titan of forethought and I know that it is necessary for your survival"

Percy looks as if he may be thinking about it.

I shake my head, "I will fight till my last breath to see you all fall."

Thalia and Grover nod, "We will fight with Aurora."

My uncle looks to me with pity in his eyes, but soon hides it, "Jackson you are fighting the Trojan war again."

Percy chuckles, "If you think you can stuff a big wooden horse in the elevator, you are sadly mistaken."

Prometheus nods slowly and holds out a box to Percy, "Very well then. Take this box for if you change your mind, open it and the offer still stands."

Percy takes the box and I say, "We won't change our minds."

My uncle stands and looks at me, "Aurora I am sorr-"

"Don't even dare try to apologize." I snap, "Tell my father that he, you, and all the rest of your army can go to Tartarus."

Before he can reply I walk away. I head up to my room with a big need for rest. Unlike what I was told to do I haven't slept since the first battle. Now I think I need some rest. Laying down I close my eyes...

Instead of being a dream I am watching something that might be happening. Kronos stands in a room with some of his brothers and Ethan. Prometheus walks in the room.

"They said just as we thought they would." he reports to my father.

Kronos nods and chuckles, "Fools all of them."

Prometheus asks, "Even Aurora?"

My father freezes at my name. He looks to his brother for him to say something.

"She asked me to tell you that she thinks all of us can go to Tartarus."

Kronos nods solemnly, "Then that is her final decision."

Everyone leaves the room, but my father. He smiles as if something just amused him.

"You are more powerful than I thought, my dear." he turns and looks at where I am watching, "I hoped you would join me in my victory, but it seems that is no longer possible. See you soon, Aurora."

Suddenly I am pushed from the scene and wake up in my room.

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