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Lexi, Payton, and I walk around town shopping. It is Sunday so we decided to end the weekend having some fun. Each of us carry a bag of clothing. I have read through the diary each night for the last two weeks. She really loved my father and I. Also it told me her name, Karla. Now we to go through some clothes at a store.

"Hello Aurora." I freeze.

Slowly I turn around and face him. Kronos smiles at me.

"I believe you have something of mine." he says.

I smile, "I don't think so."

He cocks his head to the side, "Yes you do and I would like it back. It was from your mother."

"You're right I do have something. The thing is she gave it to me." I reply, "You knew I would get it. Why do you want it?"

With the flick of his wrist I am frozen in time. I let out a grunt in pain. He takes the ring off of my finger and releases me.

"Yes I knew she would. This is a special ring, darling. It was a symbol of our love." he examines it, "You see this ring can bring back it's owner to life."

"Why would you need to come back to life?"

Kronos chuckles, "I am not it's owner. Yes I created it, but it's owner is who I gave it to."

My eyes fill with confusion. Why would he want to bring her back to life? He steps closer to me.

"Yes my dear I want to bring her back to life. Your mother was not just any human. She will come back." he looks at me, "You could help me bring her back. You have read her diary and know how much she wanted to meet you. Help me make her dream a reality. We can be a family and rule together. Or you could just leave her in misery."

My tongue is tied. I have no ideal what to say. He knows how much I want to meet her.

"I will give you some time to think about it. In fact I will give you a week." he walks away, "See you soon."

The girls walk over clearly not have seen him. I take a deep breath and carry on. After we finish shopping I shadow travel to Olympus. Kronos had called of Typhon a week ago letting the gods return. I walk to my brothers globe room. Zeus, Apollo, Athena, and Hera plan about war. As soon as they see me Hera gives me a hug.

"I think I may have a way to help. The thing is," I look to all of them, "You're not gonna like it."

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