The deadly summer

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Erica's POV

 I was in a room, pitch black with no windows. There was a chandelier on the ceiling which was shaking violently.

 How did I reach here?

 There were stormy winds flowing all around the room giving the room an aura of a deadly summer  and I started running

Running , running and running , I saw a black body standing just in front me, it was not exactly black but the low light in the room just made it possible to see the outline of it.

It felt like looking at a demon, a clawed demon . I blinked a few times and looked closely at it.

 It was him, standing there frowning at me ,looking the same as he does everyday in the  mediocre school campus. I couldn't speak anything ... the stormy winds were flowing more violently now .

 He whispered to me 'come here fast' and I ran towards him, i kept running and he kept going back and back. And suddenly he vanished and I couldn't think about what was happening . The stormy winds stopped and again I was standing in the room with a little note lying on my feet which said "I do not care " .

And at the bottom of the page was his signature.

I woke up sweating in my bed. It was all a dream . I sighed and walked to the bathroom to wash the sweat away , I switched on the shower and the warm water swept through my body relaxing it a bit .

While standing in the shower my mind couldn't stop thinking about the dream . I never get dreams about people, like never, but today... this dream haunted me.It was natural for me to not remember dreams, they were figment of my imagination and my mind didn't seem to think upon them a lot.  I think my subconscious mind is  trying to tell me something , maybe it's trying to tell me the truth about him but then maybe it's just a weird dream . 

I literally wouldn't have stressed this much if I had a tempting dream about him but this dream... he went away and that's what scaring me .

After drying my hair , i looked at myself in the mirror, and saw a face that anybody can forget in a room full of people -Brown hair, hazel eyes , no high cheek bones or sharp jaw lines ,my face blurs when you start thinking of details. Nobody can point out anything special in my face , and at the same time nobody can point a flaw too. 

A living contradiction is what i am. 

 Why will anyone like me ? Am I good enough to even think about him? Probably not . I remember Ish saying to me once that a crush is a person who we never get, that person is too good for us, We can only stare and have some excitement in our life with them. I think this is actually the best definition, I will never get him. It's the adrenaline rush that i am craving , the feeling of warmness that one feels on a sunny weekend days. At the end, i'm just running for all exclusive feelings an 80's french poet may talk about. 

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