plump peaches

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"Why do you think I know how to make a margarita?  Do I look like a bartender?  " ,I do know the ingredients.... but who am I to tell that? 

"It was just  a simple question .... I wasn't applying something " , people don't actually know the art of defence .

"Well next time think before asking me a stupid question like this , think!  " , the guy whose name I can't remember walks away holding a small bag in his hand .

Sometimes it's annoying to be known by everyone in the school.  Most people know you as the head of student council , some by your name and only a few by your personality . People judge you very quickly when you have any position,   The soccer captain is a bad boy , the head cheer leader is a hoe in relationship with the soccer captain and the student head is the favourite student of all teachers and knows how to everything . But they never understand how much we all fight for our existent . I'm not a teacher's favourite , they only think of me when they want help .  The soccer captain's mum is sick and he spends his time with her and the head cheerleader is depressed and a self harmer .

"In what kind of deep thought are you in ? " , I know the voice..... it's the voice which soothes me when I feel I'm not important . The owner of this voice has seen me at my weakest but still recognises me as the strongest person she has seen .

"And in which world are you in these days Eri ? I'm gonna kill Will if he takes anymore than 2 hours with you a day ! " , I'm surely very happy for her but I'm her bestie , her girlfriend. I need my time too with her to discuss gossip , boys and books .

"I'm really sorry but here I am here to make up for that time ! Just wait till the school ends and it's our day today " , the glint that she has in her eyes is what I live for .

"Yeah yeah . It's not like I was going to sleep like a koala the whole days . I can definitely change my plans " , I cannot think of a more lazy animal than koala so I'm a koala.

"We are going to a movie date first and then we both gonna play charades in my home with Evan " , I sometimes forget how much of a child Erica still is ........ like a playful spirit of a toddler is still living somewhere inside her which shows it's existence time to time .

"Playing charades with Evan is like saying it didn't hurt when toby was changed in the Spider-Man series cause they both hurt. Goddamn he pushed the pen inside my hand!  I had to get stitches " , it was once we were playing and he was my partner , I wasn't able to guess a thing and he got so excited that he rammed a pen that he was holding into my hand . That day I understood the meaning of the phrase 'Pen is mightier than the sword' .

"That was a once in a lifetime experience.  You should be glad that it happened to you girl ! " , she tilts her head back laughing and it just shows how happy she is .

"Yeah yeah now leave for the class . Will meet you after school.  Bye " , she waves her hands a bit and walks away humming a popular song i can't recognise right now .

I started my walk towards the class when someone calls me from behind .

"Hi wait ish! " , I stop and turn to see Zach running in his sports uniform towards me . The loose tank top clinging to him and his shoe laces open which can become the cause of a sprain .

"Hi brother of Usian Bolt.  I think you should see the fact that I'm not running . I have an imaginary white flag up in my hand . " , seriously people even lack sense these days and my crushes or .... ex crushes surely do .

"Michael just told me that once you had a crush on him . Is that true ? " , speak of the devils and they arrive .

"Yes I did and if you are doing this phsycotic interview for a school paper then you have to take my signatures too " , for two reasons.  First I'm the person who is giving the interview and second is my position .

"Ah well no but how can you?  God he is a plastic guy . " , I thought flesh guy ? My bad.

"Well I spent my entire life making other people happy " , I should write my words down . They are great . 

"Spent ? What happened now ? ", ok he isn't doing an interview but he is surely giving me a therapy I didn't ask for . 

"Ok well this sentence follows my last sentence just Cause they both are complementary to each other .  I said spent cause it's time I find happiness for myself " , where are the dialogue writers?  Christopher Nolan send your people to me.!! Quick quick.  My home isn't going anywhere.

"Yeah .... everyone is trying to happiness these days . See Will and Erica! They both are so happy with each other that they don't even hang out with us anymore " , I can't remember even once when we all four enjoyed together. 

"I'm happy for them . She has been spending her whole life with me and I want her to find someone else too cause if I ever get weak ...... then I want someone to support her , to control her . " , she isn't a weak person,  just a tad bit broken and I can surely say that I'm ready to support her for whole life .

"Hi do you know the new programmes in computer ? I was absent "

"Yeah I do . I was there " , they are pretty easy not much to understand . 

"Can you explain it to me ? We can go somewhere if you agree on ? Maybe to the coffee house right across the street?  " , I like coffee , I like computer , I definetly don't hate him so sure .

"Yeah sure but not today . I have plans with Erica,  we can go tomorrow " he smiled and nodded his head signalling that the plan was on .

Let's just say ....... I always follow the rule 'sisses before kissis' .

After this much of a drama in the book this chapter was much needed . A little funny chapter is always great .  Hope you like it!

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