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Days pass by like seconds right now and seconds like a splash of water . The laziness and length of days bore me now ! I was happy for this week sometime back but now it just seems like a haunted dream that I don't wanna imagine any more.  All study programmes were supposed to be in this week but guess what! I didn't participate in even one . I just couldn't bring myself to participate knowing that Erica was not going to . I was worried about her when she didn't come school whole time the previous weekend and I even tried to contact her but she didn't pick up her phone but yesterday when Miss asked everyone if she will come next week , Jay answered and told her that she is sick and won't come .

The fact that my heart isn't believing what Jay said is what held me back from giving my name for any other competition too. The tears that I saw in her eyes that day still haunt me and arise a curiosity inside my mind about her mind , I wanna talk about this all with someone but I don't think I have any one with whom I talk about a girl without them thinking in the wrong direction and I don't want anyone thinking anything bad about Erica.  If I can't help anyone then it's better not to hurt them too.

The school seemed kind of tired up today,  all the excitement that was inside the soul of People died as the competitions got over . The tiredness was on the faces of people and many of them didn't even think about coming today , not even my own brother who didn't participate in any programme itself. I entered the classroom to look at the familiar faces all again but suddenly someone caught my eye, just not my eye but my whole heart and soul . Erica was standing against her table with Ish by her side , from where I was seeing it was looking like she was consoling her , telling her something that will make her feel better than before .  Her features have faded up somehow , the shine that she had in her eyes has gone away and the look that she always has with her hair swept back into a perfect high ponytail looks flawed today and I think she has thinned up a little bit too.

I didn't notice that I was staring at her till the time she didn't look up at me . Her eyes met mine and they looked as cold as Alaska,  I suddenly turned not wanting to meet her eyes . I couldn't see her, I don't know why but I just couldnt . It was just like I knew inside my mind that I'm the reason to her worry or more worse , for her condition . She doesn't look happy , she looks dead and I don't know why but my heart is saying to me that I'm the one who stabbed her heart to make her die .

I got out of the room as soon as I could and then reached Zachs class but I suddenly saw Ish coming back too and then the bell rung . I cannot miss class! I never did and now also I can't!  I will face her ! I'm not a criminal... maybe I'm but just maybe . I returned to the class to see Erica talking to Miss and her smiling at her , I think miss took any explanation that Erica gave her . After all she is a prodigy .

The whole day went by just like I said,  in  flash of a second . The constant fact of knowing that Erica is here was killing me but I just couldn't ignore it anymore . It was just too much to think and worry about .

As I was going to my locker after the last bell, I saw Charles sir calling me and I soon went to see what he want . I know I have said this before but just repeating ! Being a good kid in teachers eyes is a damn crime !! I say again, a fucking Crime! He asked me if I could keep all the projects of my class in his cupboard and then lock it and then give the keys to the office staff. It's like he is making me do his work ! But I cannot say no! That's the baddest part.

I hummed the whole way reaching the staff room and finding the locker with his name over it and then keeping the projects inside it . I wonder if my classmates have filled stones inside their projects or what! They are damn damn heavy ! I thought I will fall if I hold them for too long.  As I was returning from giving the keys to the office staff,  I looked up to see the lights of my class open , maybe the janitor is cleaning it in there ? I thought for a moment and then went to see who was inside . She was there , with her head down staring at a copy holding a pen , I think she was doing the work but then again got to feel all the things because of which she was absent for a week and then .... this happened. 

Should I go there? Will it be bad? I don't even know her properly ? But I really want to! I really want to know what's going on since her mind right now. Why did she stop talking to me? Am I bad ? Did I do something bad?

As I was thinking,  she looked up at me and hid her face so that I don't see her crying and started to pack her bag. I quickly rushed over to her and took a seat just infront of her and turned it so that I'm looking at her .

"Hey ", I call out as she sees me.

"He..y", her voice is broken and shrill . I don't know why but it's breaking me too .

"How are you ? ", I ask her not knowing what else to do.

"I'm good ", she says and then nodded her head so that what she said seemed truth.

"Erica please ! I know something is wrong and I just wanna know it! I won't tell anyone and you know that ", I thought about a moment about holding her hand but then decided I should . She quirked her eyes at me but didn't back her hand and just sighed .

"I don't know what you are talking about ", she again tried to hid her face but I stopped her other hand from doing that .

"You know Erica ! Just tell me"

"I don't want to ", she tried to stand up but I held both of her hands back so that she couldn't do that.

"Please Erica ! If not for me then just for humanity ", seriously?  Did I say humanity?

She looked at me now, crying out loud like a baby . I really wanna hold her right now but I'm scared , I'm really scared about what to do and what she is going to say.

" You wanna know what's wrong? Then I will tell you but please don't say to me that I didn't say to you to not ask it. "

"Please Erica, I will hear anything that you will say ", there is a warmth in her eyes that's gathering me together right now .

"I like you and I know it's pointless because you could do a lot better than me . I don't mean this in a self pity kind of way , it's just the truth of the matter and I know that it won't go anywhere but I can't help
Holding on to the hope that possibly maybe there is a chance you could may be like me too "

And just like this I started crying and she ran away.

I don't know why I'm crying but the tears aren't of sadness .

Question of the chapter- what do you think Will is going to do? Will he escape or stay?

Hey friends!
I know it's been too long since I updated but I had my exams ! I hope you all like this chapter. The next chapter will give you the inside of Erica's mind and some other people  . And don't forget ! There are other people also in this story
Love ,

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