The week

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"So we all have highs and lows in our lives but what matters is that we don't get too overwhelmed by highs and too depressed by lows ! Understand that children ", sometimes I really think that I opted for psychology and not for literature. This isn't the kind of things a literature teacher teaches  us about,  they teach about romance , feeling but... yeah psychology is better than that for sure.

This was the week of our school year ! All competitions and programs get started in this week and end in this week only and I'm quite excited and annoyed at the same time . I'm excited about me and Erica being in the computer quiz together ! We have been practicing a lot in every place that we can . Once we started laughing about some programming I did wrong in the library and we couldn't stop so our librarian threw her marker on us and let's just say.... we didn't give it back but ran with it however I'm sure the marker is Back with her as I gave it to Erica. This whole time was fun with her , I got introduced to her mother and to Evan properly in this time and that lad is good ! But sometimes I thought about where her father but she never took up any topic even near to it to talk about.

Suddenly the notice tuning heard in my ears and I snapped breaking my pencil lead in the process and my partner laughed at me and  picked it up and placed it between my ear and head like he always does , he says that it makes me look more good and more nerdy?   I looked up to see that sir has stopped teaching and was leaning against his chair to listen the announcements too.
Mr. Philips,  our speaker told us all about the schedule of this week and how many if our teachers will be busy as mentors or volunteers so it's a good time to revise our subjects, I just have two programmes this year so in the left time my plan is to study some new accounts chapters . At last he wished us all a happy week and said that he wished all of us won one thing or another. 

The whole class bursted into talking after the announcements was over and I noticed that Erica was asking Sir something . She was carrying a big bag with her and went out of the class as sir gave her the pass, I asked my partner what all competition were today as I forgot ! He told me that solo singing was up for today and that we can go if we have a free period in our class. I remember Erica carrying her guitar to school some time back so I think she is taking in it and I don't know why but I wanted to listen to her , I have heard her humm sometimes but she never sung properly to me or even near me . Sometimes I can see her swaying away with her friends probably singing some songs and they all look so relaxed that I also with that I can hear it . The program was in 4 th period so as our first period got over I went to the other section and soon spotted Zach and asked him if his period was free so we can watch the programme. He told me that he was in the programme so he will be there only so i decided to go there by myself.

I didn't spot Erica , ish or Zach after that till 4th period . Our physics teacher was explaining us some thing so I got late to the auditorium but as soon as he went , I packed my bag and left the place. I reached there to see many people of my class and other sections already there taking their seats . I took a seat in the corner and sat down as the curators came to the stage to check it. I soon saw Zach behind the music system and he waved at me and told me that the programme is about to start.

The anchors came on the stage and started to announce the name of singers singing and the second was her name.  I dotn know why but as soon as I heard her name, by hand went near my heart like it was praying.  What's happening with me? The first singer Laila sung a song by Ariana and let's say she sung real well , if I ever sing then people won't even hesitate to shut me up with tapes or tomatoes.

Then the anchors announced her name and my heartbeat sped up. She walked to the stage with her guitar in her hand and a shy smile on her face. She was looking beautiful and so modern. She didn't raise her eyes in the starting and just started to sing the least song I expected from her.

If I could fly , I'd be coming right back home to you
I think I might give up everything , just ask me too

Her voice calmed the whole auditorium to the greatest extend and I could see couple holding hands with each other as she sung.  Her voice was like angels singing in my ears and I never wanted this song to end.

I've got scared even though they can't always be seen
And pain gets hard,but now you are here and I don't feel a thing

She lifted her eyes up and they stared into the grey top for a moment but then they landed on me and I crashed. She was crying,  her eyes were glossy and with so much pain like she was singing this to someone but that person wasn't able to understand it. I wondered if it was for Mike or someone who I didn't know.

For you eyes only , I show you my heart
For when you're lonely and forget who you are
I'm missing half of me when we are apart
Now you know me, for your eyes only
For your eyes only

She sniffed at the lasting and I felt my heart break and that's when I noticed. I was crying,  there were stains on my cheeks just like they were on her cheek . She looked like she just lost the last piece of hope that was left for her and someone crushed it very badly . My heart ached for her this moment and I wondered why. Everyone stood up and clapped their hands out while some people were crying themselves like we both were.

She didn't stop looking at me , it was like she was staring right into my soul searching for some answers that I couldn't give to her but I wanted to. I wanted to ask her what's wrong and to whom she was singing it to . She walked away from the stage and I left too just to go the washroom to wash my face.

I haven't cried in years but a thing like this made me cry . I wondered what was happening to me? I don't want to change but my heart does.

Hey friends!!!
I hope you enjoy this chapter and yeah Erica sung it for Will and the next chapter is gonna be very good ! I can assure you of that!!

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