the sweet secret number 5

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Ish's POV

I'm a great cook. I make the kind of food that makes you wonder that if this is what god eats but sometimes ..... the magic just does not happen . I have to reach school in about 10 minutes and I am standing in my kitchen currently holding a batch of burnt vanilla chocolate cookies which i was trying to make for some fund raise . I was actually given two options .... one was opening a kissing booth for David Whitehead and the other was making something that i know everybody will like . So as I hate David Whitehead and his curly hair , his too slim figure , i decided to make the cookies and God decided to take a revenge from me for the actions that i did not do for David .

"Ish is your done ? Can i have my kitchen back ? ", my mum shouts from the other room making me dump the cookies in the waste bin and waling out of the house.

My way of going to the school has changed a lot in the past days . I started taking the bus to save some money for getting a Polaroid camera and now I don't carry my earplugs with me anymore cause i felt like watching out of the bus window sadly while listening to romantic song is a bit cliche .... even for a hopeless person like me . But i am still not gonna walk up to a gym in vacations carrying a kale smoothie .

I can't say that there is anything special today .... it just seems like another normal day as i enter the class and go and sit at my usual place and wait for Erica to show up .

"Hey Ish ! do you wanna come out and hang with all of us today ? We are probably going to go to the arcade and play till hell and then go to some deli", James Alvin , the goofiest guy in the whole class sits in front of me and asked me .

"Nah James ... there are so many cool things to do but this thing does not fall into that category ", you can call me the sass queen.... if you have the courage to.

I am still pretty early today in school so there are not much people here till now . there is me , Will , Presley , James and some other group of cheer leading girls who are sitting at the back listening to music on their phones .

I open my chemistry book and start to study when i notice Presley and Will staring towards me like i'm a crime suspect or as Erica would say... a character from a Agatha Christie novel . I don't pay much attention to them and continue reading something that i don't have anymore interest in .

After a minute or two .... i see Will Grayson coming towards me and i actually look back to see that its me he is coming to or not . And its me only.

"Hey Ish", his voice is calm . Not as exciting as of James .

"hey Will?", he does not talk much and to me .... like not not much so the question mark was kinda necessary ....

"Can I ask you something ?"

"See Will if this is about some quiz result or that there is some fixing going on in school that i should have know about then please don't ask me or say anything to me at all", I always speak what comes first to my mind and right now.... this is the only thing that i can think about .

"umm no.... its about Erica actually .", oooooo .... now the day is turning out to be special .

"Yeah sure you ask me anything then ", oh god..... did she write letters to her crush ? did they come out ? am i featuring in a local version of to all the boys i've loved before ? I didn't get the money ...... or the makeup .

"Does Erica like beauty and the beast ?", he sits in the seat in front of me with a serious look on his face .

"Umm ... the film? yeah she does . She likes the character of Belle a lot in it . but why are you asking me that?", is some cosmopolitan quiz going on right now? I didn't get paid for this either...... why am i not being paid ?

"Oh I was thinking of getting a caged rose necklace for her so.... wanted to know if she will like it or not ", he gives me a timid smile and starts going away.

"okk but again... why are you getting her a necklace?" , this is something bigger than to all the boys i've love before.... this is .

"Well i'm allowed to gift my girlfriend a necklace you know....",

"OH MY GOD " do you remember Janice from friends ? well now you will...

what the fuck is going on? Am i living in the correct world? girlfriend? GIRLFRIEND ?

"Oh...... i'm so sorry... i didn't know that she has told you yet...", he walks away with a amused look on his face .

As a best friend ... i feel cheated . And as a human, i feel like i want to hide under a rock and then drop the thing that is holding it up.

i wait in my seat how a predator waits for his prey and wait for Erica to come .

The time passes by quickly and then i see someone entering the room and it is her . she looks at me and gives me a smile that i return .

"good morning Ish", she sits down and faces my side to talk to me .

"do you remember how many times you have hidden something from me? I was just wondering that ...."

"Well ... that is a weird thing to wonder about but if i remember nicely then just four ... once about my crush on Will, once about the time when i got the temporary tattoo for my celebrity crush Harry Styles , then about the fact that i kissed your that time crush Alaric in kissing booth two years back and that i hate vanilla cookies ", she keeps her bag down and laughs because of thinking of all the moments....

"oh yeah four times ..... just make a correction now in it", i so wanna bash out on her .

"what correction ? did i tell about the tattoo?"

"Nope .... just change it to five times "


Hey friends !

im so sorry for not updating it earlier but now here i am . By the way i'm sorry for adding so many to all the boys reference in it but i'm too much in love with the story and Peter and i feel like everybody else is too! i hope you like the chapter .



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