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"I'm saying it's a weird combination but they were the only once that I had " defending yourself is human tendency which you can't change even if you try for hundered year but you will still defend yourself! 

"But seriously!  Watching films like the proposal & two weeks notice together?  Are you in love with Sandra bullock?  " , ish laughs with me on the choice of film that I saw yesterday after studying for some stuff .

"I'm in love with you .... and your little things!  ", I'm a lover of this song ! It's too good to be  replace.

"Tell this to a boy and see his reaction "

It's been a  month since the whole incident happened . He didn't try to talk to me this whole time .... I guess I deserve this . You cannot you with anyone's mind or disturb it ! He was living the life that he wanted and I disturbed it for him . Presley tried to talk to me sometimes and also said sorry to me but I didn't accept it . I'm the one who should be saying sorry and as I'm not too strong to say it by mouth , I'm saying it by actions.  I didn't interfere in his life after this and tried to avoid him in the same way that he is trying to do .

I started maintaining a journal sometime back cause I wanted a release.  I wanted to tell someone all that I was feeling every second of life without being under the fear that they will judge me and I think this journal helped me a lot . I remember the first page that I wrote on it titled 'Remember me '
'I remember your smile , I remember your small explanations!  I remember your excitement!  I remember you.  I had a dream once about the time when we both solved chemistry together and how we both were helping each other.  But I guess everything changes eventually . One day you asked me why I gave you the wrong answer and I wanted to defend myself that moment .... but I didn't  . I understood that I couldn't argue with you!  I just can't even if I'm right and you are not . The fact that you thought I gave you a wrong answer on purpose made my heart break into so many pieces that I can't even imagine .that was the first time you shattered my heart but I mended it again . I guess I was living in a bubble as I wasn't able to see that you don't even remember my name after taking any help that you want.  I can't remember how many times I woke up at night , all sweaty just because you were talking to me in my dreams . I can't remember how many times I have smiled just because you did . I know you can't love me but talking to you was enough for me! But.... You are dead now . My Will ! And the person I saw in my bubble died the day I told you my feels . You cried ! You fucking cried because you felt sorry for me ! You felt sorry for me? Why will ? Why did you?  Do you think I'm that fucked up? Guess what ! I'm that fucked up . I didn't think before that I will be this devastated but I am but still...... seeing you smile still brings a smile to my face.
I just want you to remember me the day you meet someone who is worth your heart and tell her that you had a stalker.  A very bad stalker who made your love cry .
Erica '

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