❥ Chapter 3.

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Just wanted to say I struggle with past tense and present, I'm trying to make it present but sometimes I forget so sorry if it's annoying ):

"How was first day?" My mom jumps with excitement as soon as I walk through the door.

"It was good" I nod. I sit in the kitchen on a stool around the breakfast bar, it smells amazing in here, I don't know what mom is cooking but it smells amazing.

"Well c'mon, tell me all about it" She smiles at me as she turns around leaning against the surface giving me all her attention.

"I was in a group of twenty today but we're getting split into half next week, I go in next Monday, my course is 4 days a week with Wednesday as a half day and the rest full days" I pause with a smile, when she doesn't reply I carry on talking, "I met a few girls called Ellie, Yasmin and Amelia"

"That's lovely I'm so happy for you Darcy!" Mom smiles over at me fiddling with the tea towel in her hands.

"Thank you" I smile, I love making mom proud of me, I have 2 older brother I'm the youngest of three so making mom proud was a big deal for me, my siblings were successful at education and jobs, they're still absolute nutters that I hate/love but mom always looks at them with so much pride and I want that.

"Hey mom?" She's gone back to cooking, humming in response telling me I've got her attention, "Do I shake my head a lot?" The question Issac had asked me has been playing on my mind, if I did how come I didn't notice? Do I do it without thinking? Am I so used to it?

She's pauses, thinking about her response, maybe Issac is seeing things, "Whose asked you about that?" She turns around, attempting to make it sound like a normal question but the facial expression and the curiousness in her voice makes it seem otherwise.

"No one, some guy who was sitting next to me today asked me about it and I think he's seeing things" I shrug, "Do I shake my head a lot?" I frown my eyebrows creating dents in my forehead, it's a straight forward question.

She's about to open her mouth to speak before my brother Joseph walks through the front door, everyone else calls him Joe - I call him Joseph, because he hates it.

"Hey mom" He walks into the kitchen and squeezes mom into a hug, "Hey ugly" He throws his tartan grey ruck sake at me.

Yeah, hey ugly.

I shake my head, "Hey Joseph" I squat my middle finger up at him quickly when mom isn't looking.

"Is Lucy coming for tea tonight Joe?" Mom smiles over at him, Lucy is Joe's girlfriend. Another thing mom is proud about, he has a girlfriend, I can't even make a boy glance my way.

Not that I want them to, I can't get close to boys, I don't know why it just freaks me.

I hover off upstairs bored of their conversation, I won't be joining them for tea tonight, just like every other night.

I've made up my mind I'm not going to Nathan's party tomorrow night, it's not for me, who would want me there? I have no clothes to go in and even if I did, I never look nice enough in anything.

I'll stay in, watch Harry Potter then drift off to sleep, like every other night.

"Hey Darc" Ezra shifts past my room, my other brother.

If you couldn't tell my mother quite likes old fashioned names, Joseph, Ezra & Darcy.

"Hey Ez" I smile, I love to see Ezra, we're so close, he's my best friend. When Dad left us it was just the four of us, Joseph took it pretty hard and isolated himself from me and Ezra especially me but Ezra looked after me in a way, a sense of protection that must of come over to him.

He walks over to me and pulls me into a hug, he holds me for a while as I inhale his scent resting my head on his chest.

"You been okay today bambino?" He strokes my hair, I've told Ezra all my problems including my illness, my mental illness.

"Yes" I nod into his chest, "I've been invited to a party, I'm not going" I mumble making him gently push me back to look down at me.

His brown eyes look sad, "Why not Darc?"

"It's not for me, who would want me there?" I shrug not meeting his eyes.

"Loads of people want you there, stop thinking like this, why would they invite you if they didn't want you there?" He frowns lifting my chin so I was forced to look at his chocolate eyes, dads eyes.

"I don't know, I don't like crowds of people, Ellie asked me to go, then a boy called Issac in my class asked me if I was going" I rest my chin in his hand that is still placed there.

"Oh Issac asked? And who may he be?" His eyebrows raise up, I giggle.

"I don't really know him, he sat next to me today" I shrug off, "Do I shake my head a lot?" I decide to ask Ezra, unlike mom he'll answer my straight forward question.

"Yes" He nods, "You don't realise you're doing it, why do you ask? Has someone said something?" He frowns his eyebrows like I had earlier creating dents. He's acting like it's something sensitive that no one should ask about.

"Issac asked why I did it so often and I wanted to ask if anyone else noticed" I tell him.

"I don't think I like this Issac, asking questions" He turns his nose up, "Darc you have a habit of shaking your negative thoughts out your head but you never really notice you do it, I don't want you to tell him anything, you don't know where your information might go" He kisses my forehead.

"Okay" I smile sadly, I feel stupid for not even realising.

"Promise?" He looks down at me with a serious look.

"I promise"

New characters alert! Ezra and Joseph.

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