❥ Chapter 5.

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"Y-yes, Ellie insisted" I find a smile as quickly as possible, pushing away my nerves. I push the conversation back onto Ellie I know she wants him to notice her.

"Yeah, would've been a shame if she didn't" She gives me an appreciative smile. Issac pushes himself off the door frame and approach's us.

"Ah yes, Ellie" He smiles down at her, his stare is naturally so intense it nerves me, "May I steal Darcy for a minute? Sure you won't mind" He winks, she looks defeated at first before quickly recovering, forcing a smile.

I frown up at her I'm sure she wouldn't be happy about this, I'm not exactly happy about this. Issac slips his hand into mine, my body jolts with electricity to the point it almost hurts. His hand softer then I'd imagined. He guides me into the kitchen, "Drink?" He looks back at me, my voice has halted in my throat unable to come out so instead I gasp for air.

"Do you want a drink?" He looks at me oddly, he must think i'm some sort of lunatic. I flush with embarrassment.

"I-I've never drank" I mumble forcing my words out, looking everywhere but his face, it's so obvious I've never done this kinda thing before.

"Never?" He raises his eyebrows, I shake my head in response.

"I'll have a drink if you're offering" Ellie smirks walking in.

"I was offering Darcy but yeah sure, what would you like?" Issac smiles, "Whatever you're having" She smirks flirtatiously leaning on the contour showing off her cleavage, I look down at mine, why don't mine look that good?

"Darc? What you havin?" Issac looks down to grab my attention, I look up embarrassed hoping he doesn't know what I was doing.

"Have some of this" Ellie tips a clear liquid into a cup handing it to me, "What is it?" I ask sniffing the liquid.

"Vodka" She smirks, "Aren't scared are you?" She tilts her head giving me puppy dog scared eyes, I feel intimidated by her.

"You don't have to drink it" Amelia pops up at my side giving me a reassuring look, "Come on, it's not that hard" Ellie rolls her eyes.

Stop being a baby and do it.

I shake my head and gulp it all down in one, I start coughing harshly as soon as I swallow, the sharp taste hits the back of my throat, everyone is laughing at me, except Amelia whose casting a worried look down at me gently rubbing my back.

"Oh Darcy, you're so innocent, you're not supposed to drink it all at once" Ellie laughs, I feel stupid and embarrassed but push it away.

"Have it with something else" Issac advises, he takes my cup and pours a soft drink into it until it's full, "Should be better" He smiles.

"Thank y-you" I smile, my shaking is embarrassing so I'll leave the cup untouched until I've stopped.

"C'mon, dance with me" Ellie winks taking Issac's hand and drags him off to the living room where everyone is dancing.

"Are you feeling okay?" Amelia frowns at me, Amelia's sweet, big green eyes with fluttery eyelashes, she can get whatever she wants with those.

"Yes thank you" I smile, "Just very strong and sharp, I-I'm going to get some air" I nod, I'm really not enjoying this party and I'm really trying to. I want to be like all the others and not feel claustrophobic in crowds. Maybe after some air I'll be okay.

I push through people, they don't hear me when I ask them to move so I've to be abrupt and move them myself, I topple over flat on my face and I feel like the whole party stops still and everyone laughs at me. I heat up with embarrassment. Pointing fingers, everyone looking at me, laughing at me, I need air.

I run outside pushing the back door open and breathing in mouthfuls of air until I feel better.

How embarrassing, so many people saw that, I feel so stupid.

I pant in air, I regain myself quickly noticing the massive garden, it's like a park, pond, bench, waterfall, it has everything, I take off walking down the little path leading to the pond, the things I could draw here, I'll have to ask Nathan if I can bring my sketchpad down here, would that be weird?

Peaceful, calm.

I sat down on the old wooden bench, why can't my life be this peaceful? I'd be so much happier.

"Darcy?" A heavy pant comes through the trees, I hadn't come down that far just to the little pond.

"Hello?" I raise from my seat, Issac battles his way down the little brick patch batting leaves out of his way, "I didn't know if you were down here, I saw you fall" He frowns.

I look away embarrassed sitting back down, "Yeah, I left for some air" I shrug.

"Are you okay?" He sits next to me and puts an arm around me, I instantly shake it off and slide to the other side of the bench.

"Y-yes I'm okay" I curl up on the bench, guys never touch me, I'm not pretty like other girls, boys don't want me.

"Sorry Darcy, I shouldn't of done that" Issac says, I feel bad then, he was only trying to comfort me.

"No it's okay, I'm sorry. I freaked out" I look over at him, he looks calm which makes me feel better as I start to uncurl, "Why aren't you with Ellie?" I frown.

"Ellie? I saw you fall and wanted to make sure you were okay" He knits his eyebrows together.

"She's crazy about you" I mumble, Ellie wouldn't like this even-if-it-is just a kind gesture she made it perfectly clear that he's 'hers' and even though I don't want him she scares me a little.

"I know" He shrugs.

"Then why don't you be with her?" I frown. Issac must be used to girls throwing them self at him, I've heard about what he was like in high school, bad boy always getting into trouble, ladies man.

I don't go for that type of man personally, I like someone whose passionate, would want to travel the world with me, find the meaning of life, paint the most beautiful views, do the most extreme things, show me new things, take me to places to try new food, someone refreshing.

"Because, I've got my eye on someone else" I look up into his ice blue eyes, smirking right at me.

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