❥ Chapter 27.

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hey !!

i've just come back from Paris & thank you for 1000+ reads! that's beyond amazing also thank you for all your sweet messages/comments i appreciate/love them so much.



I feel like everything has been sucked out of me and I've been left here alone and abandoned.

I don't know my own body anymore I look at myself and just see nothing but an empty face staring back and I hate it. I feel like I'm not even in my own body, that instead I'm just floating above everything like I'm not there, watching over everyone.

Standing outside of college feels like the first day all over again, people walk past me, don't even notice me as I stand outside the door looking in.

It's a normal day for everyone else, how is it so simple for them? When I feel like I'm fighting everyday. I'm exhausted and I've only just begun the day.

"Darc" Issac stops next to me, "I'm here" He smiles. I smile back but I just can't feel anything.

I walk inside, people turn and look at me. There looks are full of interest wondering what happened to me, I don't spare them a look. I feel like an animal in a cage.

I can feel and hear my heart pumping in my chest, tears coming up to my eyes, my body heating up, my chest tightening.

I grip my hand into a fist feeling my finger nails dig into my palm as I keep myself together, I feel eyes still on me from every corner as I make my way to my favourite hide away spot.

I know Isaac is beside me but I feel like I'm only living inside my head, all I can hear is my thoughts. I push the door leading to the stairs open, luckily it's empty because no one ever uses these stairs. I only come here to hide away under the stairs because no one can see me.

"Darc, are you okay?" His voice makes me flinch and his eyebrows frown with sadness, "Stop it" I snap.

"Stop what?" He looks taken back, "Looking at me like that" I huff.

"Darc, I care about you" He sighs and I instantly regret snapping at him, "I know, I'm sorry" I lean against the wall and rub my face trying to feel a sense of life in me.

"It's okay" He doesn't move or try to comfort me, we haven't been physically close lately. I haven't hugged him since that day at the hospital. I haven't been close to anyone except when they forced it upon me.

"You're gonna have to try today Darc" He frowns, "I know you don't want to be here but we all care about you, we're getting you help" He stands in front of me, I just stare back at him, bored.

I can tell he's slowly getting frustrated with me, "Darc, you're going to have to start caring" His voice tries to remain calm but the irritation is showing.

I shrug. "If you want to get better you're going to have to apply yourself to, it only works if you want it" His eyes glare into mine, none of his words go in, they're all muffled.

Instead I find myself taking note of his appearance, a pair of denim jeans paired with a white hoodie and a bomber jacket, he looks good.

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