❥ Chapter 13.

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I'm really late posting this ):

My eyes flutter open, squinting at the sunlight, confusion passes through me, I can feel the motion of someone breathing underneath my head, Issac's chest.

I suddenly start to remember last night, the glass room, Issac, Andrew, the stars. It had been quite an eventful night, I hadn't really broke down to anyone before, not that I told Issac everything but stuff that I felt needed to come out and I think he did the same.

I know he still has a lot of heartache over Andrew which is understandable but I think it's all bottled up inside him, seeing him cry was heartbreaking, people think Issac is a hard emotionless person but it's the complete opposite, he's very sensitive but I just think he doesn't know how to handle that.

I frown and start to move, I feel embarrassed
having cuddled him in my sleep when all I wanted was someone to keep me company instead of being alone.

"Don't move" he mumbles pulling me back, I have to stand by what I said last night about us being friends and nothing more so cuddling eachother in bed was not right and also not fair on Issac.

Who'd want you in their bed?

I shake my head, "I have to" I wiggle out of his grip and look down at his restful face, his eyes still closed, hair all fluffy but still managing to be cute.

I can't lie I didn't hate the sight but I rip myself anyway not looking that far down his body, we have to be friends, Ellie would be so upset and it's not fair on Issac to drag him into my problems, I have to be emotional stable to be in a stable relationship.

"Why?" I hear him whine behind me trying to reach me without having to move, "Friends Issac" I flatten my pyjamas out making them presentable.

"Stupid friends" He mumbles under his breath turning over. I didn't bring anything with me downstairs last night so I walk over to the door, "I'm gonna go see Amelia" I smile looking back at him lying on the bed, arm draping out the side.

"I feel cheap!" He cracks one eye open, looking over at me. "Cuddle me all night and then just leave in the morning, not even a cute morning cuddle" He huffs I couldn't help but giggle, "I'm sorry" I fake frown and quickly run over and kiss his temple.

"Still not forgiven" He mumbles as I walk back over to the door turning the handle, "Gonna have to live with it" I give him a cheeky smile before walking out the glass room, it really is a beautiful styled room.

My hoodie I had brought downstairs was still folded on the deck chair, it's my favourite Hard Rock grey hoodie I got it when I spent the night in Manchester and went to their restaurant.

I slip it over my head and quickly throw my hair into a bun with the hair bobble around my wrist and walk back into the house, "Good morning Darcy" Sam smiles over at me.

I was highly embarrassed that Samantha has seen me crawl in from outside, "Good morning" I shyly tuck loose hair behind my ear.

"Come, sit down I'll make you some breakfast" She pulls out a chair from the breakfast bar, it was a high top spin chair.

"That's okay you don't need to make me anything" I shake my head, "Nonsense, a growing lady like you needs food, plus Amelia and Issac never let me make food for them anymore and I don't feel like a mom" She laughs to herself.

"Well, if you insist" I sit on the chair that's opposite her work station of food, "Have you seen Issac? He wasn't in his bedroom" Samantha frowns, I can tell in her eyes that she's worried about Issac and misses him even though she sees him everyday, I think he's grown distant from everyone.

College StudentsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora