❥ Chapter 6.

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Chapter six! Should I do a P.O.V from Issac or not?

First day of actual college. Maths and English.

Nervous was an understatement, after Nathan's party I didn't exactly wanna see anyone, I embarrassed myself far to much.

"Darcy? Are you okay?" Amelia comes up to my side, she has a habit of popping out of nowhere, "Yes thank you? Are you?" I smile down at her small frame.

"Yes, do you know whose maths you're in?" She looks on her sheet of paper which looks like her timetable all scrunched up.

"Tim" I smile, I had received an email telling me all the information about today. I have told Ezra what level I'm at, he was really proud.

"Awh no! I'm not with you" She frowns, "Who you with for English?"

"Martha" I smile when I see she has the same English as me, "Ellie has Tim as well for Maths so just be aware, she's not happy with how close you and Issac are" She mumbles.

"We aren't close" I say bluntly before checking the time, "I've to go" I cut a smile before walking up the stairs to the room I've been assigned.

I walk in to already see half the students there, I sit in the middle on a big table, "Darcy?" Tim looks at me from his spiny chair, it sounds more like a question to confirm my name.

"Yes" I smile, I watch him tick my name off the online register before my eyes latch with Ellie's, I smile at her, she returns but it seems fake.

"Right, hello everyone I'm Tim I'm-" He gets cut off by someone walking into the room, Issac walking into the room.

I hadn't seen Issac since the party, I had left shortly after he practically told me he had his eyes on me, I felt uncomfortable I didn't return that feeling at all, I couldn't with Ellie, even worse now he's now in my math. It's not that I don't like him he's a nice person especially with coming to see if I was okay after my fall but I didn't like him like that.

Ellie would kill me.

She should kill you. You deserve it.

I shake my head and doodle on a page in my notebook, "Issac, you can come sit here next to Darcy" Tim smiles, I hold back a groan of frustration. What is it with teachers sitting him next to me?

"Please remember where you're seating as that will be your seat for the rest of the year" Great. I can already feel the glare off Ellie from the other side of the room.

"Guess we're maths partners" Issac nudges me, "Guess so" I smile, not quite meeting his eye.

He's wearing dark jeans with a button up short sleeved shirt, I notice he has a little tattoo poking through his shirt, I tried to make it out.

"It's a lion" Issac mumbles making me jump, I heat up knowing he caught me looking, "Why a lion?" I look up at him, a look of sadness suddenly dropped into his eyes but soon passes when Tim told us off for talking.

Lunch time I get some food which is a pack of crisps so not really a lunch and sit outside on the wall.

I swing my legs out huffing at the dirt on my new shoes and chomp on my crisps.

"Darcy, can I talk to you?" Ellie walks over to me, I force a smile knowing this wasn't going to be a good talk.

"Of course, what's up?" She looks irritated when she approaches me, I stick with my smile not showing how nervous I am.

"You and Issac, I thought I made it clear he was mine" She tries to say politely but her words are so sharp and blunt.

"There is no 'me and Issac', I don't like him like that" I shrug, It wasn't a lie.

"Well he seems to like you" She spits putting her hands on her waist, I see Yasmine and Amelia approach.

"I can't help that, I haven't really been around him so, I really don't know why he would" I frown, I didn't wanna upset Ellie, I know she doesn't mean any of this in a bad way she just really likes him.

Her face softens at my words, "So you don't like him?"

"Nope, I don't really know him plus I know you really like him" I smile, her face crosses with relief so does mine, I did not want to make drama on the first day of college.

As if on cue Issac comes around the corner from the independent living building, he sees us and throws his cigarette away, another turn off, he smokes.

"He's coming, do I look good?" Ellie quickly flattens out her outfit.

"Hello ladies" Issac smirks, I shove a load of crisps in my mouth, "Darling Darcy, may I have a word?" He turns to me, a mouthful of food, "Yeah sure" I mumble, half a crisp hanging out my mouth.

Ellie and the other two make up a fake excuse and walk away but stay in earshot, probably Ellie's orders.

"What's up?" I swallow my crisps. He jumps up on the wall next to me.

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable the other night" He frowns, "I like you Darcy, I know I haven't known you that long, really not long at all and I know you don't feel the same I understand, you just remind me of someone, I used to know" He strokes my face softly, I fell stiff under his touch, "Let me take you out, as friends" He drops his hand, steals a crisp then winks of me. He's very cheeky.

"Yeah sure, as a friend, I can't return those feelings because I don't know you at all, you're basically a complete stranger but I guess it might be nice to get to know you" His face breaks out in a smile at my response, "Plus I can't like you anyways, Ellie would murder me" I whisper the last bit.

She should murder you. You should Die.

I shake my head and eat my crisps, his eyes search my face softly, that look of sadness back on his face, "So, where're you taking me?" I smirk breaking him out of his trance.

"Where does one want to go?" He smiles jumping off the wall.

"Take me somewhere beautiful" I smile watching him walk away.

"Anything for Darling Darcy" He winks.

Think I might do a P.O.V from Issac to keep it interesting for you guys but still not sure (:


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