❥ Chapter 24.

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Sorry I didn't upload this chapter last week, I needed a break from writing. I had some writers block and wanted some time to think (:

I thought heaven would be full of pale pink clouds and everything you loved in life, full of amazing people and everything would be perfect, in my silly fantasy.

Apparently it's not like that, instead I feel pain, aching, headache, tummy ache, this is the worst I've ever felt.

I wish my fantasy had of been true, I would of opened my eyes to a pretty sky and clouds but instead my eyes gently flicker open to blazing ceiling lights.

"Darcy? She's awake! Call someone" I hear a voice. My body aches so much I don't think I can move my head but the video sounds unfamiliar but familiar at the same time. It makes me tingly, raising my arm hairs.

I hear shuffling, my eyes are stuck to the ceiling. I shouldn't be here, I'm alive, why am I still alive?

Tears brim to my eyes at the thought of having to live with the mental pain everyday, I wanted to escape but I've been pulled back.

"Darc, don't cry" The unfamiliar/familiar voice says slowly brushing it away, I flinch, the hand is rough against my skin.

"Why am I still here?" My voice is croaky, my throat is burning with pain making me shut my mouth immediately after my sentence. I hear crying burst out, mom.

"Darc, sweetie, look at me" The familiar voice speaks gently, fingers hook under my chin turning my head to the left.


"Dad?" My eyes widen, I sit up in my bed abruptly but regret it with a whine of pain. He gently takes me down but puffs my pillows so I'm sitting up slightly. His scent is the exact warm smell that used to get me to sleep at night, "W-Why are you here?" My brain can't process that he's here. After years and years, he's here.

His eyes are a rich brown with a green spec in the right eye, his hair has gone slightly grey but he still has his dark locks, he looks exactly the same just slightly older. "I came to see you, the hospital called me as well as your mom" He frowns, reaching out to cup my hands, "Darc, I came as soon as I heard, everyone did"

I look around to see everyone, I hadn't noticed them since all my focus went to dad. Mom stands with Ezra and Joesph who all have red faces and puffy cheeks but mom is still crying. Issac stands on his own at the end of the bed, why is he here?

I want to see him but i'm just surprised the last I saw him he was with Ellie, he'd slept with Ellie. I look away feeling that horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach like before.

"Issac was the one who found you" Joesph says, they all take a seat next to my bed. I can't manage to get out words, after the few mumbles of words I gave to dad my throat was burning.

The nurse comes into the room, "Hi Darcy, how are you feeling?" She smiles down at me, I just nod not exactly feeling the best. She takes it as an answer anyways, smiling sadly down at me but checks the tube I'm connected to, "Some people are going to come and talk to you but for now I think you should get some rest"

I nod and lye down as she adjusts my pillows, I didn't wanna see anyone I feel horrible, my whole body in pain. The nurse ushers everyone out but Issac stays, no one says anything they just let him sit there when they leave. I want my dad to come back into the room but he doesn't.

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