❥ Chapter 14.

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I've decided to only post once a week (:

Another day of college, whipee. I arrive and go straight to maths with Tim, I'm a little bit late due to traffic but it's not my fault, the bus was slow.

I felt a bit stupid about telling Issac all that stuff, Ezra is right I haven't known Issac that long at all and I've already shared some of personal stories with him, I don't even have a contact number for him.

I slump down in my chair next to Issac, Ellie smiling straight at him as he sleeps on the desk, I can still be friends with Issac just not let him get as close next time.

I gently lift up the corner of his hood to see his peaceful face resting, "Darling Darcy" He mumbles with a smile, "Good morning" I giggle.

"Issac Flynn, please stop sleeping and wake up it's time for math!" Tim walks into the room, Issac groans in response and sits up removing his hood.

"Today we'll be working in partners then you'll have set homework together, you can do it however you want as long as it's done and in by next week that'll be fine" He gets papers
together giving everyone a sheet, Issac claims me as his partner straight away.

"Why don't you partner up with Ellie? She'd love it" I smile at him but he just responds with a grunt, "You're my partner" He goes back to lying on the desk.

"Do I get a choice?" I raise my eyebrows, "No" He huffs.

I roll my eyes and sit back, for some reason a bad mood had clouded over him and I didn't like it, I was just suggesting.

Tim hands out the work and I get on with doing it, Issac just watches me from his lazy position on the desk, I ignore him and carry on.

"What's the matter with you?" He grunts from his position, "What's the matter with you?" I slap back at him, I didn't have a problem it was him.

"Nothing" He mumbles muffling his hood up, I don't even look up, we haven't spoken since the party and it worries me slightly, I don't want him to regret opening up to me.

I hadn't opened up to him, maybe a little but I still didn't feel ready to, I find it hard to open up to people, I'm finding myself getting more comfortable with Issac but Ezra told me to be careful who I let in.

He still hasn't spoken to me, Ezra. Last night he was being quiet with me and I hate it, I got the bus to college because I can't bare when I upset Ezra, when he's quiet I hate to upset him.

You ruin everything.

I shake my head, he wouldn't be home when I got back since he comes back late sometimes from work, he cheers me up everyday. Every morning we normally sit down and we just breath and relax and it helps me so much even though it might be silly, that hasn't happened today and I wasn't feeling right.

"What are you thinking?" Issac is now up and looking at me, I flinch not realising he'd moved, "W-what?" I shake my head.

"You've been staring into space for a while and I was just wondering what you're thinking" He now looks worried, his face falling soft.

"Oh, it's nothing" I wave off shrugging.

"Darcy" He raises his eyebrows, he looks worried, his eyes searching mine, "It's just Ezra" I mumble looking away.

"What's happened?" He frowns taking my hand in his, he takes all my problems seriously and actively listens to me, I really appreciate how much concern and effort he has to make me feel better.

"I upset him and he didn't really talk to me this morning" I look down at our hands finding myself outline one of his rings with my fingertip, "Why? You couldn't hurt a fly how could you possibly upset someone?" He laughs making me smile shyly.

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