❥ Chapter 51.

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I thought I'd look different. I defiantly feel different so, why don't I look it?

It's like when you're approaching a birthday, you're convinced you'll look unrecognisable on the day but when you walk up, you're slightly disappointed. I feel just like that, I had the most rawest, passionate night I could ever describe with Issac and I don't know why I thought I'd look different.

I guess, sex is always a big things especially to girls. I've noticed boys just want it done and out the way so they're one of the lads, well some boys, but with girls, it's a completely different story. We want it planned, perfect, but most the time, it never turns out that way.

I didn't plan it, I just felt it as I was looking into his eyes. It wasn't perfect, but when is a first time ever? We laughed and messed about, fumbling about with nervousness but to me, it was incredible. I really understand now when woman talk about sex, how you feel fire tingle in your thighs and pleasure in every inch of your body. I've never felt anything quiet like it.

I stand in the mirror, poking my cheeks. Do I look more of a woman? Do I now look like someone whose had sex? All I'm looking at is my body covered with issac's shirt, my bare legs and my brown eyes with that green speck staring at me.

I hear a muffle of a groan, indicating Issac is awake. I smile, longing to see him. "Ow!" I clutch the surface. A sharp stabbing pain recurs in my stomach, I frown.

I didn't get much sleep last night, this pain kept walking me up. I lift my leg, experiencing a slight downstairs pain but, I expected that. "Darc? Are you okay?" Issac sits up immediately after seeing my face in discomfort.

"Yes, just a bad tummy pain" I slowly lower myself on the bed. He frowns, looking down at me, "Do you want me to get you anything?" He gently strokes my hair.

"No, could you just stay with me?" My eyes meet his, he smiles. "Of course" He kisses my forehead before lying down next to me.

"So, dare I ask. How was last night, for you?" I stiff a giggle at his nervousness. "It was good" I nod, playing it off. Truth was, It was incredible - I want to do it again, and again, and again. When this stabbing pain goes away.

His face crosses with panic but he soon catches on to what I'm doing, "Oh I see, just good?" He smirks. I shift my gave from the ceiling to his face, just his expression makes me giggle.

"Okay, maybe I lied..a little bit" I place my thumb and my index finger centimetres apart. His smile grows, he's lying on his side, resting on his arm. "Just a little bit?" He makes me laugh.

"Okay, maybe like this?" I separate my fingers a bit more. His laugh rings in my ear. "I reckon you're still lying" He tuts down at me, I bat my eyelashes up at him.

"Okay, I lied, It was amazing" I mumble, "What was that?" His index finger pushes his ear out more. "I said, it was amazing" I say between giggles.

"Nope, still not catching it. Say it again?" His smirk is growing bigger and bigger. "You, were, amazing!" I raise my voice in his ear. "Okay, okay, I get the message" He winks at me, I squat him.

"You were pretty amazing to" He lowers to kiss me, "No one is good on there first time" I shake my head. "And, who told you that?" His eyebrows are raised.

"No one, It's just a fact" I shrug. "Well you're wrong. I didn't expect it to be nearly as good as it was. I thought we'd mess the whole thing up" He shakes his head, I giggle.

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