❥ Chapter 50.

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hi! i hope you enjoy this chapter and i really hope i captured the moments throughout it.

Today me and Issac have spent the day in the little town. He's been groaning all day over his massive hangover, I try not to giggle every time. We're going on our date later so I hope he starts to feel better.

"Hey you" Karen and Lucy walk into the reception. I smile, they both look so pretty. They wear kimonos over there bikini's, they must've come from the hotel pool.

"Hi guys" I grin. Dad has taken Issac to cure his hangover  I just hope dad has forgotten about last night. Issac is defiantly in the dog house for that one. "What you up to?" They look around, I'm guessing they're looking for Issac.

"Well me and Issac are going on a date, so I'm going to get ready" They both look at each other before giving me a mischievous smile. "Let's get you ready then!" They steer me upstairs.

"Show me your clothes" They're already planning outfits before we get into my hotel room. I unlock the door to be greeted by the fresh scent of clean washing. "Your room is cuter then mine" Lucy frowns, she looks at the light coloured wallpaper and cute décor.

Karen digs through my clothes, pairing outfits. "I'm going to have a quick shower" I gather all my needed products. "Oh! Do you want to try this new hair mask I've got? It's amazing" Karen is already out the room before she's finished her sentence, she's back a minute later with a red tube.

"Use this. Trust me, it's so good" She hands it to me. I remove the screw cap and smell its scent, It smells amazing. "Thank you" I smile as I go for the shower.

The warm water is relaxing as it flows down my back, I hum in response. I could stand here all day if I had the choice, but I get snapped back into reality when Lucy comes in to ask if I have any straighteners with me. "Yes, top draw of the dresser" I smile at her through the glass.

Lucy has just seen me naked, my brothers girlfriend has just seen me bare naked. Is that weird? I don't feel weird about it. I mean, we have the same parts so, does it matter? I giggle and wash my hair.

This seems like something out of the movies. Does this actually happen? Lucy did help me get ready for Nathan's party that one time but this is like a full makeover. It's kinda nice actually, none of my other friends have really done this with me, Henry would if I gave him chance but his version of a makeover is very bold and extreme.

I get out the shower, wrap myself in a towel and rejoin Karen and Lucy. "What do you think about this outfit?" Karen sits on the bed, next to where the clothes are laid out.

A little two piece lyes on the bed, I must have forgotten I packed it. It's a little strappy top-piece with a bow of the same pattern on the front and loose fitting shorts. Matched with a pair of black heels.

"Yes, I like it" I feel the cotton material in my fingertips. I sit down at my dressing table and brush my hair out. "Ever think of dying it?" Lucy helps me de-tangle my hair. "I'm not sure, I like the colour it is now but I would like something new"

I twirl my strands around my fingertip. I love having dad's colour hair, it makes me feel connected with him. But maybe I do need a change. I straighten my hair, Lucy helping me with the back. We talk about baby names, "I think Darcy is a real cute name" I wink. Karen rolls her eyes with a twinkle smile, "Of course you would"

"What names do you like?" I laugh. Lucy traps my hair and slides the straightens down my freshly washed locks. I can see the steam coming off them. "I quite like Rosemary for a girl or, Oscar for a boy" She ponders.

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