❥ Chapter 22.

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It's my birthday in 16 days omfg :0

"I just don't understand why you never told me" My voice is quiet, my whole body just feels so lost with this new information.

"I was going to, I just hated the fact that he left. It wasn't anyone's fault that he left, people fall out of love it happens, I never told you because I was scared" She looks ashamed, I'm not annoyed at her or angry, just confused.

"Scared of what?" My eyebrows knit together. We're sitting on my bed, her arm wrapped around my shoulder snuggling me into her, she smells like fresh cookies.

"Loosing you" She sighs, "It was very selfish of me, you were always much closer to your dad and I was jealous, they always say having a daughter is having a best friend for life. I thought maybe him out the picture would bring us closer so I didn't tell you because then you'd want to be with him and hate me for keeping you from going with him" Her eyes are looking down at our connected hands, "You just grew distant and quiet, didn't speak to anyone or go out anywhere, you used to be so full of joy and laughter and I feel like I haven't seen your smile since he left" A tear spills down her cheek.

"I don't hate you" I shrug, "I don't really know what I feel" I don't look at her, there's so much confusion in my head, I don't know what to do.

"I'm sorry" She kisses the side of my head, I show her a weak smile and wipe her tears away, "I never chose dad over you, I never had a favourite, he just seemed to know me unlike anybody else did, he was my best friend. Never think that I don't love you, because I do" I'm not good at confessing or admitting my feelings for people, but seeing her cry made me realise I need to tell more people how I feel.

After mom leaves my room I lye on my bed, it's getting dark outside.

My brain whizzes back to Issac, how could I leave him on the beach like that?

I don't know what to think when he pops into my head. He must hate me but I don't think I can face him, we were so good as friends. I don't regret telling him anything I did, I just wish it didn't get complicated like this.

"Darc?" A knock at the door, I sit up confused, "Can I come in?" The voice is female and familiar.

"Y-Yeah" I nod, even though the person can't see me, Amelia walks in showing herself. "Your brother let me in" She smiles.

"Oh, hey" I cross my legs on my bed showing her a smile, "You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I've come to ask you that question, Issac told me" She sits down opposite me, I shrug.

"I thought we could go out, cheer you up" She smiles, I thought she'd be mad at me for what I did but she's the opposite for some reason.

"I don't know" I didn't plan on going out, I wanted to give myself time to think things over.

"C'mon, please? If you don't like it we can leave, but let me try at least cheer you up" Amelia pleads smiling. I give in and nod, "Okay"

We get ready, I wear a v-necked blue velvet dress and some heels. I hardly ever dress up, it's nice for a change, I feel pretty.

We head out, no body says anything when I leave. I don't care if they did anyways, no one was gonna stop me going, I was ready to go have fun with Amelia.

We end up at a house part of somebody Amelia knows, we move to the music on the dance floor attracting male attention but I don't want to dance with them, I dance with Amelia.

Her hands snake my body as I move my hips to the beat of the song loosing myself, closing my eyes the music pumps into my ears and I feel like I'm floating away into the music.

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