❥ Chapter 4.

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I think I've decided to update two chapters every Friday/Saturday or at least try to!

"Please come?" Ellie begs down the phone into my ear. We'd exchanged numbers yesterday at college. Today was Saturday, the day of the party.

"M-mom says I can't" I speak a lie, I was really nervous to go, I've never been to a party I don't know what happens or what to expect.

"Yeah okay, liar" She laughs down the phone, "You're coming, you need some fun so meet me at mine at 6" She instructs me before hanging up the phone.

I huff, maybe I could make myself sick and not go? Bit extreme Darcy.

I go downstairs to find everyone in the kitchen, Joseph, Lucy, mom & Ezra.

"Hey sweetie" Mom smiles reading her magazine at the table with a cup of tea. I sit next to Ezra curling up on the chair.

"You going to the party?" Ezra squeezes his arm around me, "A party? What party?" Mom lifts her head creasing her eyebrows in confusion.

"Someone at her college is throwing a party, she's not sure if she's gonna go" Ezra shrugs explaining to mom.

"Oh sweetie you should go" Mom smiles putting her magazine down, why does she want me to go? Can't she be a mom and say I can't go?

"No, I don't want to" I mumble tightening myself more into my ball.

"Awh poor little Darcy, why can't you be normal and just go? It's a party and you're nearly 17, not 7" Joseph rolls his eyes.

"Why you gotta be a dick to her all the time?" Ezra jumps to my defence, Joseph's right I'm nearly 17 I need to start living like a normal teenager, I've just never experienced this stuff before.

"She's nearly 17 ain't my fault you still look after her like she's a baby" Joseph shrugs, "Alright you two, stop it" Mom sighs.

"Darcy you should go" She continues, "It will be fun for you, if you don't like it Ezra will come pick you up, it'll be okay" She smiles making me feel better, she's right it'll be fun.

You don't deserve to have fun.

I shake my head wriggling out of Ezra's arms and upstairs. I really don't know what to wear I literally have no nice clothes.

I have to make an effort most the people going to this party are going to my college and I want to make a good impression so looking nice is key.

The last time I wore a dress was at my 10th birthday party and even then I didn't exactly love it, it was bright pink and made me itchy.

"Hey Darcy, do you need some help with getting ready for the party? I know it's in a few hours but Ezra said you're stressing about an outfit?" Lucy smiles quietly in the door frame.

"Oh y-yeah sure" I nod, me and Lucy haven't really ever spent time together, she's been with Joseph for two years and I don't think we've ever really spoke that much, "I don't have any dresses" I huff feeling embarrassed.

"That's okay" She enters my room more, "Parties aren't all about dresses, you don't have to wear one, we can just dress up an outfit" She smiles opening my wardrobe.

"Dress up an outfit?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Yes like make a casual outfit look like a going out outfit, add accessories, nice shoes, do your hair and makeup that sort of thing" She skims through my wardrobe.

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