Happiness and Anger (Poems)

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"Don't hate, love. (Though they both cause problems)"    ~Annoymous144

My little sister taught me a lesson today. 

She said, "Hey Lighty (she calls me that), Why do we hate, kill, disrespect, our OWN kind?"

I honestly don't know. Why?

Instead of answering her, I took her up to the roof.

"Sometimes humans are to specific."

"What's spec-fik?"

"Specific, meaning they notice differences and they use it against each other."

"I think we should love our differences"

I look at her, she was staring at the sky, stars twinkling in her eyes.

I should learn to love my differences too.

Yah, its cliche. This happened last night. And yeah. I have a hard time finding myself beautiful, or even pretty in anyway. O.o wait. Who else knows the song "Love Yourself"? Ya, from Justin Beaver...something :P


A bright ray of light,

Covering dark nights.

The key to hate,

Happiness awakes.

What brings you a smile

on every beginning day.

Words that can't explain.


The water to wash away pain.


A temple of fire.

The lavish anger,

That may sometimes destroy,

Your personal temper.

Learn to control it.

Or it will control you.

And whatever it seeks, too. 

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