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"No matter where life takes us, survive, cause you won't be able to pass the test if you don't" -star_in_my_eye2c

I believe that the strongest people out there, are the one who know their weaknesses and live them up.

So here what happened 2 weeks ago: (btw this has absolutely IRRELEVANT to the quote, just found it hilarious.)

Teacher: "Lightning! Do question number 40 with the geometric function method!"

Me: *Blinks and wakes up* "Whaaa?" Classmates start snickering

Teacher: "Where you even paying attention to class at all???"

Me: "Nah, not really"

Teacher: "Why? I do believe you have yet to learn these equations and yet you seem, I dare say, Uninterested."

Me: "Oh no miss, your lessons are very interesting.......-"

Teacher: "Then why are yo-"

Me: "So interesting that I fell asleep on the first word."

Everyone starts laughing as the teacher's face turns bright red.


Me: "Sure, I'd be very glad to tell them you've been playing videos on how to do our work instead of teaching us, personally."

Teacher: "Why I have m-"

Me: "And tell them they you have not only been skipping the teaching part, but you were also TEXTING 24/7 while we were 'busy' watch the so-called 'new teaching method'."

Well..that didn't go out too well. I ended up getting sent to the office and calling my parents in for conference. Needless to say, what I said the the classroom was basically the truth. but I had no backups since I had no friends in that period. Well, the teacher is going to get it cuz I've been taking pics and videos of her. I'm getting ready for a new presentation on "worst teacher of the year." Watch out miss. u mess with the wrong girl...

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