Painful Memories.

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You left me.
Just like that.
My memories of you
etched deep in my head.
Why you did it, I have no clue.
For it should be me, for trusting you.

You left me, after you broke my trust.
I wanted to mend the hole
I might be an idiot.
Might be crazy
for still trying, even after you betrayed me.

I can't help it.
No matter how many times,
You hurt me.
I still find myself,
wanting you back.
Wanting your voice.
Wanting your comfort.
And wanting to mend the pain that has set us both apart.

Maybe it was harsh of me to accuse you in the first place.
But you know what was the worst part
The part that I didn't believe was true,
was actually the part you left me for good.

It hurts,
It hurts bad.
But maybe,
I'll learn to love what I once had.
The memories buried deep in time.
The only history you left behind.

My word to you.
I hope you're happy with what you knew.

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