Night Hour

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Night's howl,
Death creeps up at this hour.

Ice travels down and back up your spine
Lights go out, the darkness blocking every shine.

A feather-like touch on your neck
On your cheeks, bones, and dreams.

The wind howls its protest
You are lucky you are in bed.

Or maybe not so lucky at all,
What's that creeping behind you on your wall?

Turn around, check behind you, there is nothing. Deathly silence fills the gaps of air.

Goosebumps claim every inch of your skin
The wind is silent, feeding on your growing fear.

Seeking warmth underneath the blanket you feel something cold.
Terror grows as you feel along the edge.
Don't believe?
Then why are you scared so?

The shadows move as they reach out towards you.
Are you sure you are alone?
Cause even the time seems creep by, painfully slow.

As if waiting.

Nothing can stop death's claim on one's soul.

AN: Hell-o Greetings from a person who is currently 4am not sleeping. Halloween is around the corner. Try not to die till then:P

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