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Silent voices float amongst us
the ghost itself haunts us
tears shed endlessly
scarlet blood,
trails blurred
secrets hidden
murder consealed.

Shadows follow
guilt consumes
puppets on string,
what we're played with,
without being seen


Ice seeps from the air itself
every corner a mystery to tell
suspects, escapes
A murder happens,
as what becomes of your life.

Sometimes your closest friend is your greatest enemy.

A/N yaaahaa! yes, I just finished a murder mystery novel and I'm shaken shitless.

okay, so yesterday was april first ( April fool's day) and  pranked my teacher by turning in my essay in another language. (he didnt specify it had to be in english XD)
and he got me back good today by marking points off my work and commenting in japanese. Hey! How can I correct my mistakes when I can't even read em!
*sulks in defeat*

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