CHAPTER 1: The reason for my happiness

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My name is Taichi Yagami, and together with my friends we are the Chosen Children, we are since we were 11 years old.

We had problems, fights against digimons, conflicts that occurred with our world and the Digital World, but now, after our last battle, we had no problems.

Our fight next to Omegamon and Imperialdramon was a way to start the new year saying we would not see more battles against digimons and so, the Digital World was not turned into chaos by digimons, our world became peaceful and our companions digimons returned with us.

From time to time we went to their world to be with them and they with us.

Maybe during these years, since we met the digimons, I and my friends distanced ourselves a bit, but we always found the opportunity to see each other again.

The evil digimons did not return during this time, at least the last thing I remember, at the last moment, until that summer.

I have my memories, the days that we started our third year of high school, those days when we had fun with our friends digimons, in which I had fun with Agumon, that day, it was as if I was seeing all of that, even in the moment in which I met Agumon and in which I met my friends.

But when we started our summer, I do not remember anything anymore, I did not hear anything anymore, I could not say anything, just ... I'm glad that our world and the digital world are finally at peace.


My name is Mimi Tachikawa and I am 9 years old, I live in the city of Odaiba with my parents, I study in Odaiba Elementary with my friend, Sora Takenouchi of 10 years.

That was a new year of classes and I was new at that school and Sora-san introduced me to his friends.

Yamato, Joe, Koushiro and Taichi, eventually, they became good friends.

The only exception, was Taichi Yagami, in fact, he was quite animated and he treated me as if he already knew me.

It was very funny, it made me smile a lot, Sora-san told me that her joy and mine were at the same level.

Although I admit that when I met him, I smiled more, they can say that it was the reason why he always smiled, I do not deny it, but I can not admit it out loud.

Taichi Yagami became my best friend, but the next year, we did not get along so much, I had other things in mind, I realized that we were both very different.

What united us the most was that trip we made in summer, when we all went to the Digital World, when I met Palmon and the others, we all became more friends after that.

When we returned, it was depressing to leave our friends, to think not to see them again, but it was not like that, we saw them a few months later, it was very touching to see them again.

A year later I moved to the United States, it was because of the digimons that attacked the city, I had to say goodbye to my best friends, but in that moment I told them, I realized that Taichi-san cared about me, I try to make myself smile with all the new things that could happen to me when I live in another country, that made me like it even more.

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