CHAPTER 9: A terrible truth

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It was a quite calm and refreshing morning, being so close to the sea, you could hear the calm shock of the waves against the island.

Very quietly and quietly, I tried not to let anyone follow him or nobody to hear him, he did not want to be seen, I managed to get close to the exit of the closed park, but I can not get out as a large digimon was placed in front of him, falling from the sky and preventing the passage so that it managed to leave that park, the impact when falling, caused that Kai fell to the ground.

Moosemon: What do you think you do Kai? -I said very annoying

Kai: Again? Why do not you just leave me alone? - He said very angry

Moosemon: You know it's my duty to keep them here

Kai: It's my duty-he said in mockery as he got up and came back from where he came, walking with his arms crossed

Moosemon: Do not get mad at me, it's for your safety, -he said while following him.

Kai: I know, I know, but you do not know how I feel. I just want to get out of this silly park, it is clear that nobody has seen us since we arrived in the city, we are safe

Moosemon: You made the decision to escape, it's not my fault, I just want to protect them

Kai: And I appreciate it, -he said as he stopped walking.- But it would not be bad to know this city, we never travel to places like these. -He said something depressed.

Moosemon: Your desire to travel will get us in trouble

Kai: They would be mine alone if you continue to protect my family

- Good to hear you say that, -said a voice hidden among the trees. When they raised the views to see who it was, a second digimon fell in front of them-If you really want that, it can be fixed

Kai: Really? - He said something confused

Moosemon: What do you mean Witchmon?

Witchmon: This-He said while looking like a gift in his hands

Kai: A gift?

Witchmon: This is my welcome gift to the city, they arrived three days ago, so it's normal-He said while giving the gift to Kai

Moosemon: You never plan anything good, what is it? - He said something annoying

Witchmon: Do not see me as a criminal, I do it because I like boys. -He said with a big smile.- Come on, Kai-chan, open it.

As soon as Kai opened it, he saw that there was a high school uniform inside.

Kai: Is this a ...?

Witchmon: It's a good way to start your tour of the city, right?

Moosemon: In a school? Where did you get that?

Witchmon: Details, details

Kai: At least she does understand that I do not want to continue in this hidden park

Moosemon: But ...

Kai: If I stay in the school zones I'll be fine, besides, you know I never went to a school before

Witchmon: Well, Moosemon? Will you leave it?

Moosemon: They know that the Chosen Children are here. What happens if you find them?

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