CHAPTER 6: The most hurtful words

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When the next day arrived, the same thing happened as always, everyone bothered Kai, but at the same time, they were afraid to talk to him because just looking at him made them feel very insecure.

It was time for the break, the boys met as they talked about Daisuke's decision to go to the Digital World and the change of opinion of not going after all.

They stayed talking in the corridors of the school.

Miyako: Do ​​you think something happened to them?

Yamato: They did not hide that they ran and invented an excuse

Koushiro: Are you sure it was just an excuse?

Yamato: Tell me when Koromon does that for fun?

Mimi: If it was an excuse

Sora: I heard you met Yamada-san, right?

Yamato: Yes, yesterday afternoon, it seems that he found his phone and gave it back to him

Miyako: And how did your phone end up near high school? Is not that park behind the school?

Sora: I had not thought about that before, -she said thoughtfully.

Koushiro: What is there to think? It's new, it came from another city and it sure does not know the areas

Sora: And it seems that he got angry with Daisuke

Mimi: How not to do it? He has anger problems -he said angrily

Koushiro: And you also met him, right?

Mimi: Shut up

Sora: There he is - He said while watching him through the corridors window

He was just sitting in the garden of the schoolyard while reading a book with an angry expression.

Koushiro: We have to realize that he really looks like Taichi-san

Miyako: But it's a hard thing to compare, is not it?

Sora: What do you mean?

Miyako: Well, the only image I have of Taichi-san is from when I was 15 years old, I can not imagine what it would look like at 18

Koushiro: I guess that idea came to everyone's mind

Yamato: He has and does not have an air identical to Taichi-san-He said something depressed while looking at him

Sora: I know days went by, but I figured we could get along with him, but ...

Yamato: He hates us

Mimi: The feeling is mutual

Miyako: Just because we bothered him a lot

Koushiro: I'll talk to him

Mimi: What?

Yamato: You'll just make him more upset than he already is

Koushiro: He does not know me, he can not get mad at me. -He said something annoyed as he went to talk to him.

Mimi: How much do you bet you end up screaming at Koushiro-kun?

Sora: Do not be like that Mimi-chan, maybe I'll get along with him

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