CHAPTER 11: Someone was behind Taichi Part. 2

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The boys did not want to take any risks and decided that their fellow digimons would stay with them in their homes until they knew how to stop that epidemic that Moosemon talked about and that could soon spread throughout the Digital World.

A few days passed, Yamato and Sora expected to meet Kai in the classes, but he did not go to school, three days passed and he did not return, they suspected that he had left the city as he had told them before.

After classes, everyone gathered and decided to look for Kai.

But when thinking about where to start looking for it, they had doubts about where.

They returned to that park where Moosemon had taken them along with Kai, but they did not find anything in the whole area, when the night they reached them while they were looking for that closed park, they knew immediately that it was not there, so they decided to keep looking for the day following.

They had the intentions of finding him, not only because they wanted to help him, but because they knew he was hiding other things from them, not only the fact that his mother could be involved with what happened to Taichi, maybe because he had lied to them and the I could be a Chosen Child or somehow I had already met them when that incident happened and that is why there was a digivice.

Mainly, that idea, that Kai had to do with the death of Taichi, does not stop flowing in the mind of Yamato, I do not doubt, I already felt the need to blame him for what happened to Taichi.

As soon as the classes finished, Yamato wanted to get everyone together as quickly as possible, but unfortunately, everyone was discouraged with wanting to look for Kai, they expected to meet, they had decided, but when Yamato revealed that Kai could be the cause of Taichi's accident, they did not want to keep getting involved with it and simply stop that contamination that Moonsemon warned them about.

One week passed and Yamato was still determined to find Kai and the others were determined not to want anything to do with that search.

Daisuke: Yamato-san is still looking for him? -I said impressed

Koushiro: Yes, he does not want to forget what happened

Tentomon: He just wants to know what Yamada hides

Sora: We tried to convince him to leave that and come to Koushiro's office to keep looking for those seeds, but this irrational now, he does not listen to us

Piyomon: Gabumon tried to convince him the same, but he also does not listen to anything he says

Joe: But where is it that he plans to look?

Gomamon: Yes. We already reviewed that park a week ago and there was no trace

Miyako: Is not he more likely to leave the city?

Koushiro: We told him that

Takeru: And what happened?

Koushiro: Not only does he search the city, he also tries to find out which city he could leave if he does not follow him in Odaiba

Ken: It really bothers you not to know anything about what we hide from you, is not it?

Daisuke: I do not blame him, I feel the same, but it's impossible to find him now

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