CHAPTER 17: Looking for answers

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Upon crossing the bridge, everyone was surprised to meet Kai's sisters, it seemed, they were already waiting for them.

Reiko: I am Reiko Yamada- Said the shorter girl with black hair and short shoulder length

Sai: My name is Sai Yamada-Said the tallest girl as of 18 or 19 years old, of blond blonde straight and long up to the waist

Hikari: So you are the sisters of Yamada-san?

Yamato: Were they already here?

Moosemon: They have to do with what is happening and they needed to know them despite everything

Sai: You were really with the Chosen Children-He said something annoying

Reiko: So are your friends?

Sai: Do not be silly, Kai does not want to have friends

Reiko: Oh, it's true

Kai: I take it as a compliment-He said while ignoring them with his eyes

Reiko: Moosemon, Mastemon, they said they would only go through Umi to meet and find another hiding place

Moosemon: I told you about that Chosen Child, we have to do with that since we know about the

Sai: The boy that was looking for Mom? Was he his friend?

Daisuke: So they also know about the

Reiko: Little, but Sai ...

Sai: Well, I know Mom looked for it and found it when something happened about a digimon attacking near the Rainbow bridge

Yamato: They talk about Diaboromon-He said surprised

Mimi: Please girls, we want to understand what is happening to them and what their mother wanted from Taichi-san and the Digital World

Mastemon: It is better to discuss it in the laboratory, it is already beginning to get dark

Koushiro: Are you sure there is nobody there?

Reiko: That's where we come from

Sai: Do not worry, ah been abandoned for a long time

They were not convinced to go to that laboratory, but when they arrived, they saw that the small building was somewhat deteriorated, in fact, it looked more like an abandoned house.

When they entered, they were surprised to see that, to say it was a laboratory, they were mistaken since it looked more like a library.

There were dozens of books on different shelves, lying on the floor and others on the verge of becoming dust, there were hundreds of vines growing on the walls. They were right that he had been abandoned for years.

Ken: I do not think it's a laboratory

Reiko: Well, that's how our mother calls him, we only know that she was doing several studies in this place

Koushiro: All these books are about Botany and Anatomy. I can understand that the botany books used to investigate that seed, is not it?

Kai: Yes. This is where I created them. This place has two floors, this is where his studies were and up to his experiments

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