CHAPTER 16: Way of memories

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It was only a few days before all the students could start their summer vacations. Many had already planned where to start and others planned at the last moment, but that did not happen to the Chosen Children, they already had in mind where they wanted to go on vacation.

Everyone would meet to go camping in the forested area of ​​the city, a place away from technology to enjoy more of nature.

Everyone was already excited, and it could be seen in their faces with just two days to start, but at that moment, Taichi was not so excited.

The classes felt very short and already on the way home, Taichi and Yamato decided to discuss some things about the holidays, but the worrying thing about that talk was that Yamato was the one speaking and Taichi was discouraged.

Yamato: Did you hear what I told you?

Taichi: Yes-He said distracted

Yamato: Taichi

Taichi: Yes

Then Yamato placed himself in front of him, advancing his step and gave him a small blow with his fingers on his forehead.

Taichi: Ah! It hurts-He said sore while caressing his forehead

Yamato: Did you wake up? -Said something annoying

Taichi: Uh? I'm sorry, what did you say?

Yamato: Are you okay? For several days I saw you like this, but today you are more lost than usual, -he said as they walked again

Taichi: I'm not Lost

Yamato: And what did I say?

Taichi: Ah ... About the holidays? -I said with doubt

Yamato: Are you asking or are you affirming it?

Taichi: Yes, I'm lost. The truth is that I've been a little worried, -he said as he looked at the ground where he was walking

Yamato: Worried about what? Is it because Mimi is coming tomorrow?

Taichi: Why would I be worried about that? - He said something annoying

Yamato: I heard you fought with her

Taichi: Who told you that?

Yamato: Hikari

Taichi: It was not ...! It was not a fight. She got a little upset with me because I told her about the summer plans at the last moment. -He said a little embarrassed and angry for what Yamato was thinking.

Yamato: Then what happens?

Taichi: Well ... I had told the others, but the truth is that I was not worried, but now ... I do not know ... I've been feeling as if someone was watching me all the time

Yamato: Watching? Do you feel someone is spying on you or something?

Taichi: Yes. I do not know, it's like I feel someone following me every time I walk somewhere. -He said a little annoyed.

Yamato: Welcome-He said with some humor

Taichi: I doubt it's a girl-she said something annoying

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