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•Chapter Twelve•
Cinnamon Roll

"I am aware that it is still like two weeks away, but it is finally time to begin planning for the third annual Halloween party hosted at mwah Tower."  Tony announced, voice echoing through the room.  Clint stood at his side, grinning ear to ear—the combination was enough to make me take the seat on the other side of Alrekr in order to put distance between me and the homicidal duo.

"Oh here we go," Natasha murmured softly, pinching the bridge of her nose and shaking her head so that her red hair bobbed.  Tony shot her a glare but continued on with his speech.

"As always," he said, "there is going to be a theme—one of which I still have not decided upon—but I do know that it will not involve anything to do with food.  We all know what happened last year when Thor showed up dressed like a Poptart."

I faintly remembered that last year.  Halloween had fallen on a weekend and at the time, I was staying in Asgard. I was not permitted to take a trip but Thor promised to visit on my behalf—later I learned that it was just guise in order to wear the Pop Tart costume Darcy had apparently purchased for him.

He is either the most mature out of all of us, or he's a toddler in an Asgardian God's body. There is literally no in between.

"Well, as long as it's not stupid, I'm in."  I said, making finger guns at Tony.

He sent me a dead pan look.

"If I came up with the idea, it's never stup—"

Clint cut him off, "objection."  The new look on Tony's face was priceless.

"You're suppose to be on my side, Legolas!" He whined, Clint shrugged.

"I am, but as your friend, it's my job to tell you when you're incorrect." 

Clint mockingly coughed and added as he covered his mouth with his hand, "and you're very wrong."

Tony threw his hands up in the air, "am I going to keep getting assaulted or are we going to be adults?"

"We're not adults," I said, motioning at myself, and then Tove and Alrekr on either side of me. I quickly decided that it was not the best thing to say because Tony quickly bit back.

"Wait, did Lorien just admit to being a child?"

"I think that's what just happened." Käro teased, pawing the ground in front of me.

I frowned, "now I feel attacked."

"It was your own fault." Käro snipped and I pushed him with my toe. He bared his teeth at me—and naturally, I did it back. Though, mine weren't nearly as intimidating. Käro did whatever was the wolf equivalent of rolling his eyes before laying back down, facing away from me.

Tony made an awkward face, "still weird."

I glared at him, "You're weird."

That's when Nat stood up, throwing her arms out.

"Okay, we're seriously off topic.  Tony tell us what you need to, I have things to do."  She started, and upon seeing the look on Tony's face she added, "I have better things to do then watch a man child millionaire and a sixteen year old girl try to out sass one another.  Despite how amusing it is."

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