Tea and Sandwiches

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Susanna stepped into the kitchenette to put on a kettle for tea, entreating them to make themselves at home. John decided to keep an eye on Sherlock as the brunette bounced around, rooting through cubbies and shelves, and found himself looking at the pictures along her walls. None of them were only her. In each she was with at least one other person. Many of the photos had children in them, all hugging or playing with Susanna, "Are these kids your relatives?" He asked.

"Some of them are cousins or nieces and nephews. But many of them are with the Honeycutts."

"So you've been all over the world just because you were a nanny?" John mused.

"Yes. I was in charge of the children everywhere the Honeycutts went, which meant it was more than just watching them. I had to keep the children entertained too," Susanna replied, "I hope you don't mind if I make sandwiches. It's about that time and I'm sure that you haven't eaten since last night."

"Oh no, that's fine," John walked into the kitchenette, "I wouldn't mind helping." She smiled politely.

"Are you sure? You've helped a lot already, John..."

"I'm sure that Sherlock could hold Rosie for a minute." Susanna chuckled.

"There's a high chair behind you that we can put her in for now. I think Sherlock's too busy rooting through my flat at the moment," John spun around to find that there was indeed a high chair, appropriately sized for Rosie, behind him, "Really, John, you don't need to help. I'm the hostess. Go ahead and sit down. Feel free to turn on the TV. I'll be done soon."

John sighed, nodded and then returned to the living room where he took a seat on the end of Susanna's black vinyl loveseat. On the coffee table sat the remotes, so he reluctantly turned on the telly and tuned it to the news.  Meanwhile Rosie began to fuss. John checked her and after confirming that she needed a diaper change and to be fed, Susanna popped in with a tea set on a large tray. As she set it down she analysed Rosie so John informed her; "She's due for a change."

"I bet," Susanna walked over to one of the cubbies and pulled out a full kit and a fresh diaper before returning, "Here you go."

John quickly changed Rosie, using the floor and the provided mat, and gave Rosie to Sherlock so that he could clean up. By the time he was finished Susanna walked in with finger sandwiches and some soft food for Rosie, setting them down next to the still warm tea,

"Sherlock," John called, falling on deaf ears. The detective was rummaging through another bookshelf, hands grazing over the bindings and titles, "Sherlock. Sherlock!" The detective finally turned around.

"What, John?"

"Susanna made tea and sandwiches. Come over here." John explained with a firm tone, gesturing to the coffee table. Sherlock flicked his eyes between John and Susanna before settling on the lunch spread.

"Eating slows me down." He protested. John glared at him.

"We don't have any cases, Sherlock." After a few moments of silent debate between the two friends, Sherlock sighed and gave in. He marched himself over and fell back onto Susanna's overstuffed gray armchair, to John's left, and crossed his legs. Susanna then made her way to the leather lounge and sat down, beginning to serve tea.

"Go ahead and help yourselves to the sandwiches. I made turkey and roast beef. Nothing too fancy," She instructed while gracefully pouring the first cup of tea, "I didn't have any sugar cubes but I do have honey from home."

"Home?" Sherlock murmured.

"My mother is a beekeeper. Her bees produce exceptionally sweet honey- enough to give you an intense sugar high," Susanna explained. She set down the full cup and turned to John, "That said, John, would you like any honey?"

"Ah, yes." She nodded and dropped in a couple spoonfuls of dark golden honey. He declined the cream, and then accepted his cuppa. It was a Mint Tea, he realized, that blended very well with the rich honey.

Susanna then started Sherlock's cup. He leaned back a bit in the chair, "You are exceptionally hospitable," John almost choked on his tea and bite of turkey sandwich, "Owing to your southern origins?"

Susanna nodded and finished pouring his cuppa, "How many spoonfuls?"

"Four spoonfuls." She nodded and fulfilled the order, then gave it to him. He took a sip, and nodded with approval. John sighed, internally at least, with relief. Susanna smiled.

"I'm glad you enjoy it." She poured herself a cup and dropped in four spoonfuls, then took a couple of the roast beef sandwiches. They ate and sipped tea in silence for a while, entertained by Rosie and the telly. John finished off a good number of the sandwiches whilst simultaneously feeding Rosie before catching Sherlock adding several more spoonfuls of honey to his tea when Susanna got up to refill the pot.

Not for the first time that afternoon, John had to refrain from saying anything about his best friend's intriguing behavior. Even if Sherlock looked like a kid about to be caught with their hand in a cookie jar whilst sneaking at least six spoons of honey.

Thanks for reading, Everyone!!

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