John's Lecture

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"Sherlock, you're not getting anything more than three nicotine patches for this!" John scolded his best friend as he confiscated a box of cigarettes and another box of drugs, "You promised that you wouldn't use again, Sherlock!"

"I've been unable to figure out this case and it's been a week with more bodies piling up every day, John! I know what I said and I haven't used since Culverton Smith but I have to do something to help me focus and enter my mind palace!" Sherlock snapped. John paused.

"You haven't been able to use your mind palace? At all?" Sherlock ran both of his hands through his hair, "But you've spent days staring at that wall in silence!"

"I haven't been able to enter my mind palace no matter how much I try to focus. Maybe if you let me use something, I would be able to unblock myself from solving the case!"

"What's been keeping you from using your mind palace, Sherlock?" John asked, softening his tone as an idea nagged at him in the back of his mind. The brunette huffed and went stiff, turning back to the wall where he had posted everything from the burgeoning case with pins and red string. He seemed calm, but John had finally learned to detect when it was a facade. This time it was definitely a facade, "Sherlock, why haven't you been able to use your mind palace?"

"John, it's not so simple to explain-"

"Because I'm an idiot? Sherlock, I'm your best friend. I think I know enough about your mind palace to understand why you're unable to use it," John walked closer to his brooding friend, "Go on." Sherlock flicked his eyes from the wall to his blogger. He shifted uncomfortably and sighed.


"Sentiment? How is that keeping you out of your mind palace?" John asked as if he was truly confused. To be honest he wasn't altogether surprised. So he waited for Sherlock to confirm his own suspicions.

"I can't seem to look at this case objectively, John! I can't push Susanna to the back of my mind! I am constantly thinking about where she might be and whether she is alive or dead!" Sherlock blasted, eyes flashing, "But I know that if I don't stop theorizing about her welfare then I won't be able to solve this case!"

"You're worried about Susanna. That's normal, Sherlock-"

"I am not worried!"

"Yes, you are! You just admitted it!"

"Sentiment is a defect found on the losing side, John."

"You MORON if you don't admit that sentiment isn't a defect then I'll punch your lights out!" John exclaimed and Sherlock backed off, taken aback.

"John, I am merely stating a fact-"

"Screw it! Sherlock, you're not flawed because you have sentiment. That's not why you can't use your mind palace."

"Oh? Then why can't I?" Sherlock challenged.

"Because you're fighting yourself! You don't want to have sentiment even though you do and so you're trying to bury it. For once would you hear me out on this?" They exchanged hard glances for a while, but Sherlock relented and flopped back into his chair. John sat down in his and sighed.

"I deduce that you've been wanting to talk to me about this particular topic."

"Yes. Remember after Mary died and I told you how bloody of a moron you were for letting opportunities pass you by?"

"I responded to Irene and we did have dinner so that argument is void, John."

"This isn't about Irene Adler. We're talking about Susanna Markwardt," Sherlock did not respond, "Do you know how lucky we are to have her around? Truly, Sherlock, have you considered how lucky we are?"

"It has occurred to me." Sherlock admitted. John nodded.

"Good, because I'm going to tell you that you're an absolute idiot if you don't man up and take a chance." Sherlock shifted.

"Please, John-"

"No. You're not running from this again. Sherlock, you care for Susanna and it's as plain as your cheekbones that you do! Everyone except you seems to have noticed!" John chuckled, "And you know what, I'm pretty sure she cares for you too. She likes you, Sherlock. Otherwise, I have a feeling she would have left a while ago." Just then they heard the front door shut and footsteps ascended the stairs. Brooklyn popped into the doorway with a folder in her arms.

"I hope I'm not interrupting."

"No, come in." Sherlock waved her in and she approached.

"I've been going through some things and I think I might have some clues."

"Do continue, Miss Brooklyn." She handed him the folder and sat down.

"The report from when Susanna was taken. I noticed a discrepancy," Sherlock opened the folder and looked through the documents, seeing the red ink circles and side notes, "You haven't been able to figure out how she was abducted. I was looking at the roll of people there and compared it to the lists from the other scenes from this week. I noticed that only two M.E. staff were recorded at each site, but I distinctly remember and others confirm that there were at least three when they came to pick up the bodies."

M.E. Staff always has direct access to the bodies. They have an ambulance to use with plenty of compartments big enough to stuff a person Susanna's size into. Two of them took care of the bodies, the other took out Susanna.

Sherlock jumped out of his chair and kissed Brooklyn on the cheek, "Thank you, Brooklyn! Come along, we have some M.E.s to confront."

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