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Sherlock propelled Susanna downstairs, where she picked up her purse to put away her flashlight and multitool. She sighed, "My phones all the way upstairs. I threw it to try and divert their attention after it buzzed. Probably shattered now."

"I'll have Lestrade retrieve it. Top level, correct?"

"Yeah..," Sherlock prodded her outside to the ambulance, "Sherlock, it's not a concussion. It's just a migraine." She protested. Sherlock said nothing and deposited her with the staff, who obliged with an exam. He stood off to the side, giving statements to some of the officers and telling Lestrade to get her phone.

Once she was released with, surprise, a splitting migraine Susanna opened her purse and retrieved a small case. Sherlock watched as she popped three advil and another smaller pill, washing them down with something from a large thermos that should not have logically fit in the purse, "Are you trying to overdose, Susanna?" He asked suspiciously. She shook her head.

"No. Three is the sweet spot for migraines. The other pill is because I'm reacting to any number of substances- probably tobacco smoke."

He stepped closer, "You brought water all the way here?" She shook her head once more.

"No. It's iced sweet tea," A perturbed expression swept across his face, "What?"

"How much does your purse hold?"


"I might require it for an experiment later on, seeing as you're able to fit a ridiculous number of things into it." She laughed, and missed the even stranger look in his eyes as she did.

"It's called being prepared, Sherlock."

"And you were prepared to go after serial killers connected to an international drug cartel?" He probed, "I doubt that that multitool would have been of much use to you."

"I admit that it was not my best choice of weapon. But I can hold my own. I didn't figure out the drug cartel part until I'd found them in the attic and they were talking about a shipment due in the U.S." She took a swig from her thermos and leaned against the ambulance, relaxing her shoulders and neck before stiffening again when Donovan came into view. Sherlock did not fail to notice her response.

"Sally has always been insufferable. Her favorite nickname for me is freak, owing to my abilities. And almost everyone believes I am a psychopath," Sherlock said, "Unfortunately, Sally has taken it upon herself to lump you together with me. Mildly insulting to the both of us. This triggered an emotional response from you that encouraged your decision to go off on your own."

Susanna made brief eye contact and returned her gaze to her thermos, which she held tightly in her hands, "I had to remove myself in some way from her bullying."

"You've been bullied before," He stated and his voice lowered, "Mistreated because of your own abilities." Her knuckles turned white.

"Among other things, yes." Susanna snapped in response, suddenly uncomfortable. Sherlock pursed his lips together, sensing an unexpected bond with her.

She lifted her eyes with a sigh, "I shouldn't be letting her get to me this much-"

"You shouldn't let her get to you at all, Susanna. I learned long ago to ignore her," He paused, "And you're not a freak or a psychopath. That's just me. You're far from either of those." She smiled and a dusting of pink settled in her cheeks.

"But you're not a psychopath, Sherlock. You're not a freak either." She hummed and they met each other's eyes again. Sherlock's lips tweaked upwards at one corner for a moment.

"Ah, there you are. We need to collect your statements now," Lestrade breezed over from one of the police cruisers. He held up a cracked and battered Samsung Galaxy, "Here you go."

"Of course. Thank you." Susanna closed up the thermos and slid it and the phone into her purse before Sherlock stepped in front of her.

"I'm going to return Susanna to her flat. She's got a mild migraine that is being aggravated by the noise and the lights. I will bring her in tomorrow, Lestrade."

The D.I. almost protested but knew he wouldn't get anywhere, so he nodded and walked off. Sherlock didn't turn around so Susanna approached him.

"Thank you, Sherlock." A few moments of silence passed, as had become natural, before Sherlock spoke.

"Chips?" Susanna chuckled.

"Fries? At this hour?"

"I haven't eaten in a long while and I know an excellent place. You could use some food in your system since you just swallowed several pills," Sherlock whistled, "And they're chips, Susanna."

"Fine. Chips." She relented, breaking into a tired smile. He almost smiled back.

Sherlock hailed a cab and they rode in silence. He checked his Twitter account and his inbox for cases, whilst she propped herself against the window and stared off into the distance. Unlike before, though, the silence wasn't uncomfortable or strained.

Moving faster now, but there's still a little more discovery for Sherlock and Susanna to do about each other! Please comment with feedback below! Thank you for reading!

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