🅒🅗🅐🅟🅣🅔🅡 ②⓪ - I Count, You Run!

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I was leaning backwards, closing my eyes and enjoying the sound of Ron's humming along with the sweet tunes of his guitar. It was complete bliss... Well, until he stopped.

"Are you going to sleep?" He asked, I sat upright and was about to say no. But he spoke faster than lightening not giving me space to put one word. "This is a very serious crime that deserves punishment." He moved his guitar to the side and stood up abruptly. His eyes looking down at me with a mischievous glint. I was too focused on how his eyes reflected the light when he decided it was a good idea to push me into the lake.

Beside being always late there was another thing I always did. Watching horror movies. And right now, I was visualizing every murder way I saw and deciding if going to prison was worth murdering him or not.

"I'm all wet you, idiot," I screamed getting out of the lake onto the grass and trying to shake the water droplets off me. I hated getting my clothes wet just like cats hate water.

"That was the point, Shana!" Okay, that was it.

"Three." I raised three fingers glaring at him.

"What are you doing?" He was confused. Good.

"Two." I hissed. His eyes widened, I smirked at him. "One!" I lunged at him but he was already running. "Come here, you girlfriend faker," I screamed as I chased after him. God, guys that tall shouldn't be allowed to even run. We kept cashing after each other and somehow my angry shouts and barks turned into childish laughing.

"Okay, stop stop, pleaaase." I stopped, grinning. If he declared defeat this meant I won. What exactly? I had no idea! "You're so scary, Shana." I was about to lunge at him again and beat him for calling me Shana but his eyes widened as he raised his hands up. "I call a truce!" I guffawed at him. And soon enough he was laughing too.

If he thought this was done he was far from it. I was not going to be the only one wet here.

I took my hand out for him to shake it. I was standing near the edge so when he got closer and took my hand, I pushed him in. Ha! That would teach him. He squealed, his voice so high pitched I didn't even understand how he hit that note. I doubled over in laughing clutching my stomach.

"Now we're even?" He asked warily getting out. When I didn't respond, he took that as a yes.

We then went to a nearby souvenir shop to get dry clothes. Because frankly speaking, I was not staying in wet sticky clothes. I thanked God for the billionth time I was wearing a black shirt so nothing underneath was visible.

We didn't find any clothes but matching shirts and big shorts. I wasn't so happy about it but the alternative wasn't happening. Just when I thought this day couldn't get anymore eventual and was trying to get home, Ron protested.

"Our tour is not over, Shana," Ron said as cheerful as ever while I pouted. For some reason, I thought he didn't have any idea where we were driving to. That was why I kept asking him if we were there yet in Donkey from Shrek manner. When he finally broke down, his answer earned him a glare with a snarky response. "I just like driving at night, but it would be boring if I did it on my own. So, why not use my sidekick?" Gee, I don't know. Maybe because she would chop your head off

"I'm your sidekick now?" I asked in amusement.

"Kinda... You're the only one who I can annoy right now, you know!" He smirked knowing pretty well he would get a reaction from me. And it was too hard to pretend, I was tired of pretending. I had to be normal with at least one person for only one moment. And that was exactly what I always found myself doing with Ron. As Cinnamon getting out music from my heart, as Elena just being the stupid hyperactive me.

"And you're doing a great job at it you annoying, idiot," I muttered.

"Now now, is that a way to talk to your fake boyfriend?" He chuckled deeply. We continued bickering back and forth until Ron drove me home. I was in no mood to drive my own car home. So he came in handy. I was dreaming about taking a long hot bubble bath. To my dismay, Loca was sitting in the garden near the driveway.

She kept interrogating me about Ron. Asking too many questions as if he was my secret alien boyfriend. I mean come on, she met the guy already. Loca could be a little trouble since she was the spy in the family, but who cared?

So, now there was bad news and good news.

The bad news was that I had a lot of catching up with school work, Tom didn't try to respond, Aurora was nagging for me to get the album done, everyone in my family would think Ron was my boyfriend and... damn, I was hopeless.

No need to try to list the rest; this was miserable enough!

On the bright side, any idea what next Friday was? Any idea? No? My freaking birthday!

That was it, I guess! No more good news! Eh, at least I would get to plan a party. And I had to get help from a partying professional. In other words, Sky.

When I did tell her about the party, she kept asking about Tom. Irrational questions to be more specific. Like seriously, why would he be my secret crush? What kind of question was that? And why would I be using him to make Ron or Louis jealous? Why would I bother with either? WTF?!

The only thing that didn't make my life hell more than it already was... could I say heller? Beside the point. The point was, the football team were on an away game so, yay me!

When Sky's questions died a bit on Thursday, she decided it was finally a good time to start planning. I left her the guest list duty. Because frankly, I didn't know who to invite. Plus, Tom would appreciate a crowded party.

"Can I invite Adam?" Sky asked me while writing a very very long list during lunch break. I shrugged, with my mouth full, I couldn't really say anything. Including how I had a bad feeling about him. He never told her he liked her or that they were official or whatever but she was sticking to him anyway. After she was done with the list, she started sending texts. I was leading her through the corridors because texting while walking is dangerous. She was about to hit a few walls so I had to redirect her. "I just texted Ross inviting him to the party, and guess what? He's coming to your party with Ron. You owe me one bestie." What the frick nuggets? No, you know what? What the fuck, Sky? She finally put her phone away and entered her class.

That totally was just my imagination.

That did not happen.

It didn't...


an:// Sorry for updating ever so slowly but in my defence, I have my finals to focus on... Also, I edited this on my birthday so that's something!

Don't forget to vote!!

Bye ><

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