🅒🅗🅐🅟🅣🅔🅡 ②③ - Two Birds, No Stone!

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I was having a major panic attack. They knew my school, the year I was in... the only thing left was revealing my name... That was surely a nightmare. Real-life couldn't be like that!

"Her name is... Fabia." Bryan said. I sucked in a breath. I didn't even notice I stopped breathing but my lungs sure noticed and minded.

"What the bloody hell? That idiot, how can I be that queen-bee?" I was now offended actually. He could have picked any other girl but no, he chose Fabia. I didn't look like Fabia nor did I have the same attitude.

"Cinnamon looks like one, nerdy." Loca giggled. "It's so obvious." That crazy girl!

"Girl, what are you talking about? I'm drop-dead gorgeous." I stood on the couch posing while she continued laughing. "How could he not figure it out?" I said dramatically. "I'd prefer Alice over the new girl. Since Fabia is just her minion, Alice is better." I dropped back to the couch making it bounce lightly.

"Roger that, nerdy." Loca saluted. "Your secret is safe now." She sighed hugging me to her small frame. I hugged her back letting all my stress fade. "I was so worried about you." She mumbled against me. Me too, Loca. Me too.

I was so ready to get to bed but to my utter dismay when my eyes got heavy and my brain ready to shut down, my door was swung open. Whoever that was, I was murdering them.

"I come in peace, Twinkle." I squinted my eyes shut as he opened the lights. Why would we need light? Why was he even here?

"You're in so much trouble if you don't let me sleep." I covered my face with my pillow hoping it was enough to block the lights and hopefully the sound too. News flash: it didn't.

"But I got you your birthday present." I could literally feel him pouting. I knew him that well. And apparently, he did too. I'd never say no to a present.

"Okay, show me." I grinned.

"It's not much but for the record, I didn't know what to get for the girl who had everything. You're even a star. What do you get that kind of person?"

"Whatever it is, I love you." I smiled. He sighed and handed me a small box. I was feeling stupidly happy while I opened it. I was a way too cute anklet. I had never worn one but this. This was going to be put on forever.

It had little musical notes in silver with a tint of electric blue and flashes of white. It was woven at the top like a braid with a darker shade of grey.

"Tommy!" I lunged at him, hugging him so hard. "I love it." I almost cried.

"Look at the clasp." I did. There written on it 'T&T' Tommy and Twinkle. I laughed so hard and he grinned. That boy was childish. "But you can't have it unless you give me my present." What was I saying? Ah yes, childish.

"Who said I got you one?" I asked putting on my anklet. He looked at me with sad puppy eyes while pouting. Okay, okay, I was giving in! "Here." I moved towards my walk-in closet to get him his gift. Tommy was obsessed with one thing. And that was watches. He followed me in and when he opened the box, he gave me a tight hug. It cost me a fortune since only three of it were made but well, he deserved it!

"Ooh, you wrote something there!" He threw his head in laughter. Yep, I was even more childish than him. I ordered 'Twinkle is za coolest' to be engraved on it. "The irony, the girl who's never on time got me a watch!" Hey, sometimes I got on time!

I was dreading Monday. But it came anyway. I tried to prepare myself with a good cup of black coffee. Its bitter aroma filling my nostrils. I almost moaned at the taste. But then my mind started swirling with ideas. Why would I have to see Fabia and do nothing? So messed up! Maybe the earth would crumble and swallow her?

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