🅒🅗🅐🅟🅣🅔🅡 ④⑥ - Monsters Definitely Live In The Closet!

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"Yes, she can't hear now," Desmond said. Who was that she exactly? Was it me? Why didn't he want anyone to hear him? What was going on?

I tried listening more closely as he started talking in a lower voice but all I could hear was a bunch of yeses and that he would text whoever he was talking to with the details later because it wasn't safe to talk in public.

My mind was going crazy with questions but Desmond's words made it even more complicated the more he talked.

"Was he ta-" The rest of my sentence was absorbed by Louis' lips. For a moment, my mind was blank. I knew nothing but the feeling of his lips on mine... everything seemed to change appearance. All problems disappearing leaving me so so empty. 

I closed my eyes feeling his hands on my waist imagining red hair instead of blond, green eyes, freckles... I wanted to touch each and every one of them...

The bell rang making me regain my senses. He wasn't who I wanted... who I needed. This was Louis, I couldn't let this drag more. I pushed him away blinking all the images in my head. I was too overwhelmed with everything going on. My head was getting too noisy... I just ran and ran until I got to my car not bothering to look behind me. I just needed to be alone surrounded by anything familiar.

My phone rang making me turn it off and toss it away from me not bothering checking who it was. Sometime later, I was brought out of my daze by the knock on my window.  As expected, it was Tommy. 

I scooted over to the passenger seat, without a word he got in the driver's seat, got the keys out of the bag I left in my locker just before lunch break and drove to my house. No one attempted to say a word all the way home.

We headed straight to my room to avoid seeing one of my siblings. As soon as we got in, he jumped unto my bed. "Wanna talk now?" Tom asked cautiously as if approaching a ticking bomb. 

I continued pacing back and forth before answering. "IkissedLouisandDesmondisactingsuspicious," I blurted out. He cocked his head to the side blinking. 

"Wanna break this out a little," He smiled reassuringly. I sighed cuddling up to his side and hugging my knees to my chest. 

I sighed. "I kissed Louis..." I expected him to give me a shocked face but he grinned. "Well, he kissed me and it made me miss him even more." If I didn't say his name, I'd miss him less. Or at least I hoped so. 

"Twinkle," He rubbed my shoulder. I was on the verge of crying.

"I know, I'm stupid. You can say it." I sniffed.

"You are," He said. "Just not for the reason you think, it's okay to miss him, it's okay to cry as long as you don't do it alone. I'm here, you know." This really made me cry. How did I get such an amazing friend?! We spend a few minutes in silence before Tommy shifted his position and sat cross-legged opposite to me. "I believe I heard Desmond in that jumbled sentence." I nodded.

I told him about following Louis, him telling me not to trust Desmond, the creepy phone call and how I thought it was really suspicious. His response was maybe he was doing his job and reporting everything, but I really couldn't trust him at all.

After I was out of this emotional roller coaster, I got up to my knees flashing a devilish smile. "Can I braid your hair now?" His expression was absolutely terrified which made me giggle so hard. He started running around and throwing everything in his way to slow me down but I was determined to catch him. 

We ran all over the house until we couldn't run anymore and collapsed onto the ground in the back yard. Laughing like idiots I pulled at his hair making him swat my hand away. "I styled this for school," He whined. "You know it takes effort to be this fabulous."

"I bet it takes effort to maintain this ego," I shook my head.

"Now, if you excuse me," He said getting up and offering me his hand. "I have a job I'm late to." I snorted, if he was late then he was definitely going to be in trouble and I didn't want to see that scene.

"You can leave Mr. supermodel," I shook my head as he gave me one last hug then ran to his house. 

I was going back in when I heard something break. 

what was that?!

Did someone break in!!! OMG, where is Desmond?!

I heard shouting so I cautiously approached the sounds coming from near our front door. The voices were familiar but it wasn't Ian and Loca's normal bickering. The nearer I got, the more I wanted to believe my mind was playing tricks on me.

"You shouldn't try to approach her anymore." I heard Desmond say before I heard a grunt of pain.

It was a sight to behold, Desmond was fighting with Ron... what exactly caused this? What was he doing here? How did he get in? 

I was going into panic mode, but I had to stop this before it got too bad. I pulled myself together before stepping forward. "Stop," I barely whispered. There was no chance anyone of them heard me. 

I decided it was time to put my self-defence lessons into action. I pulled Ron away as hard as I could, making him tumble backwards away from Desmond's fist. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I scolded. Who? Well, both deserved it. One more than the other but they both deserved it anyway.

"He tried to break in and I'm responsible for your security," Desmond replied instantly. I sighed, he was only doing his job; I couldn't really get mad. Plus, Ron did deserve a good hit.

"It's fine I'm taking over from here," I sighed feeling a headache already forming. He was about to protest but I already turned around. I was doing this even if it hurt me, I was listening to him one last time. "You," I pointed at his chest. "Not a word, just follow me," I gritted through my teeth. He needed to clean all this blood trickling down his face.

"You know you deserve this," I pointed all over his face as we got to my room, he attempted a small smile but he couldn't with his busted lip. "Just sit here, I'll get something to clean you up." I left the room to get a first aid kit. When I was back I found him laying on the bed with hi hair tossed around.

"Get up, you're ruining my sheets." I glared at him.

"Really?!" He exclaimed. "I could really think of other ways to ruin it," He murmured. I rolled my eyes and sat beside him. I was taking part of my revenge right now. He wouldn't get away with his comment. I put some antiseptic solution knowing it was going to hurt like a bitch. I put it onto the bloody areas causing him to hiss. "Oh! Did that hurt?" I asked innocently while cleaning another part making him clench his jaw tightly.

"N-no." He hissed again as I continued cleaning his wounds. Once I was done cleaning and dressing the wounds, I got up and tossed him a hoodie Tommy left behind before. 

"Wear this and when I get back, you'd better not be sitting on my bed," I warned him before leaving to put the kit in its place again.

I intentionally made my detour go slower to have time to clear my mind. However, once I was back I was struck with how he looked. It wasn't helping me stay focused that he was a sight to behold. Messy hair framing his face. Shirtless muscles. Little perfect freckles. I was so focused on how he looked that I messed his frown.

I focused more on him just to notice my songbook in his hand.

My heart dropped, that was the same notebook he wrote notes for Cinnamon in.

Holy crap!

an:// don't forget to tell me your opinions. Kisses.

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