🅒🅗🅐🅟🅣🅔🅡 ⑤⓪ - You Should've Seen Her Face

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That was the best sleep I ever had, I kept staring at his sleeping form like a creepy but cute stalker!

I reached out and twirled the soft curls around my fingers. I felt him pull me more to his chest and bury his face into my neck smiling. "You're so lazy," I smiled lightly, he hummed in response.

However, my bladder decided that the sweet moment had to come to an end. I tried to get up but he tightened his hold. "Ron, I need to pee," I mumbled.

"Stop calling me Ron," he murmured into my hair.

I chuckled. "That's your name, genius,"

"Give me a nickname." He said in a sleepy voice.

"Oh! I got the perfect one," He loosened his grip looking into my eyes. I took the opportunity to get out of bed. "Idiot." I gestured with my hands. The perfect nickname to describe his usual antics.

I saw him getting out of bed but I was faster to use the bathroom before he could reach me.

The rest of our day was spent relaxing on the couch watching different movies and Tommy making embarrassing comments which i responded to by slapping his head lightly.

When mom called I told her I was taking a break for the rest of the week and that I would train if Aurora asked. I decided to turn off my phone for the rest of the week until I had to meet Alice.

On our fifth day, Ron's father invited us over to his house. Of course, we had to pretend to be just friends which lessened my anxiety level. His sister was also going to be there along with her husband and Ron's twin, Ross.

We got into the rented car me driving because I needed something to focus on instead of worrying out of my head, Ron in the passenger seat and both Tommy and Desmond in the back seats.

I put on some music but then five minutes into driving Tommy decided he was officially bored. He sighed loudly several times scooting to the edge of his seat. I rolled my eyes briefly glaring at him through the mirror.

"Twinkle, you know what would have been this a better ride?" He asked. I didn't care to respond focusing on the road and the music I put. "If we had a live concert right here." My eyes widened. Desmond didn't know anything about me being Cinnamon. I was about to scold him when he turned to Ron. "Ron, why didn't you get your guitar, you can surely sing." I saw him smirk.


"Let's play I spy," Tommy said after three seconds of silence. "That's a record," I muttered. He then continued his banter talking about anything and everything.

"Tommy..." I said slowly in the sweetest tone ever. "If I hear you talk one more time, I'm stopping the car to cut your tongue out." I blew him a kiss making him gulp audibly. He slowly nodded then whispered to Ron something about how he shouldn't trust me when he's sleeping but I chose to ignore him.

Four songs later, we arrived at the big mansion. As we got out of the car, a little kid came running towards Ron. Ron pulled him up carrying him in his arms. "You've gotten big." He said with a huge ass smile which the kid returned. He put him on his shoulder making the kid giggle and put his tiny hands in Ron's hair.

It was a sight to behold. "Wony, who's that?" The kid asked looking at us his eyes widening.

"These are my friends, Elena, Thomas and Desmond." He pointed at each of us.

The kid reached his arms for me making me carry him instead of Ron. "You're pwetty," He said shyly. I chuckled lightly giving him a cheek kiss as we headed for the door.

"Don't steal her away, young man," Ron sulked while we waited for the door to open. An old woman opened the door but I knew she wasn't his mom since he told me she died years ago. She motioned for us to go inside smiling kindly. Ron hugged her saying his hellos then started going inside. We trailed closely behind him.

As we got inside to the living area, Ross was sitting on a couch chatting with who I assumed were Ron's sister, Rochelle and her husband. "I see the devil is not here," Ron said in a light tone making all attention on him. They all got up hugging patting each other's backs and then introductions were made.

We stayed chatting a little until the boys started challenging each other to games and left to the game room leaving me with Rochelle who asked if I wanted to spend some time on the roof garden.

"So, are you really friends?" She asked slipping in a chair, I sat on the hammock nearby needing the stretch.

"Yeah, he's already dating Cinnamon you know," I replied lazily.

"I know Cinnamon must be someone," She smirked. Shit!

I nodded "I'm curious she could be, did Ron tell you?" I had to make sure she suspected nothing.

"He wouldn't reveal such a big secret... even to me." We talked more chatting lightly until her son came rushing into his mommy's arms asking us to come down to dinner.

Here goes nothing.

"Ah! Elena Whitte," Ron's father said as I entered the dining room with Rochelle.

I smiled as nicely as I could even if I kind of hated the man. "Nice to meet you," I said. He gestured for me to sit on the table beside Tommy.

"My son finally have some appropriate friends, I'm glad." I raised a brow at that. "Now he only has to get away from that singer and agree to the marriage." My blood boiled.

Was causing a scene now worth it?

"Father, can we please not fight today? I told you already I have a girlfriend," He said exasperated but his father just brushed it off with a wave of his hand. I thought he sorted this out with his father. Looks like we had to have a conversation about this.

It all went quiet and no food was served. I looked over to Ron who was sitting opposite to me questionabley, he shrugged. I looked around noticing that there was an empty chair on Ron's side separating him and Rochelle. Minutes later into the awkward silence we heard the front door closing and several people started putting food on the table.

I couldn't see who was coming, I had to turn around but Ron's father smiled while Ron stood abruptly. Their reactions were enough to know it was trouble.

"Hey baby, I missed you." I heard the voice I despised the most. The bitch who was so desperate to get my man.

I. Saw. Red.

As she started walking around the table to get to Ron's side. Oh hell no!!

She was going to break her hip if she kept swaying them like that... maybe I should do her the favour instead.

I got up calmly, Tom tried to pull me down but I snatched my hand making him sigh heavily. "Hi!" She stopped turning around. "Remember me?" She was about to talk but I was faster to slap the living hell out of her.

Aaah! The satisfaction.

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