Entry #1

31 3 0

This isn't what I expected. Actually, no, fuck that, this isn't where I wanted to be. I could take dying. Dying sounds real nice right now.

There is no definite or accurate description to tell you what kind pile of shit I'm in right now. But, for starters, it seems I'm stuck in a book.

That doesn't necessarily include glue. I mean I'm in the world dictated by a fucking book. Which is just great. Wonderful. An absolute delight. Really.

And to make matters worse, I'm not even sure I'm in the canon world. What do I mean? Here's some context.

For all the years I was stuck in an apartment surrounded by saltwater, I had books I could read. My brother (Who I labeled D because Dave is kind of like my estranged twin or something – wait, maybe I'm the estranged sibling...) left me some so I didn't really get bored per se, for a couple of years.
Sometimes photographic memory can be a blessing and a curse. Good for gathering info quickly, but when enjoying something...not so much.

Anyway, like what I assume any normal person would, I have the complete set of the Harry Potter Series. Once I finished that I delved into it a lot, most of it for Roxy's sake since she was the one who liked it. I just used it as a distraction before I discovered the game and built Hal.

Okay, so I know Harry Potter, the world I'm stuck in. Good. Whether it was the original world or not, that I wasn't really sure of.

Oh, right. Before I subsequently forget this little detail, I'll write it here. Y'know. To help with my sanity.

I'm now Ron Weasley. Yeah, you heard right. Ron Weasley. That redheaded bloke who's good at chess but lets his goddamn arrogance get the better of him at times - but compared to me...

Well, he's probably the closest to a perfect fit for me, really, but that's kind of a moot point since I am him. In the flesh and bone.

As for where I am...? I don't really recognize this place, but it looks like a forest.


Wait. What was that?

(Future Edit: For reference, to whoever's reading this, I installed a speech/thought/sound-to-text function on my glasses. Isn't the game enabling me to make whatever the fuck I want via alchemiter wonderful? Yes, my Sylladex is still perfectly functioning. I'm still that dude who can destroy souls. Fear me, rawr rawr.)

"He's around here somewhere. I felt his magic signature."

Well, thank god I watched the movies as well. That's Daniel Radcliffe's Harry Voice. I wonder if I should go and meet him, act like the idiot Ron is.

"He's not getting away this time. We'll make ickle-Ronniekins pay, Harry, don't you worry."

Uh. Excuse me? No. What. Those are the twins, right? Gred and Forge?

And what the fuck's this about me paying? Did this world's Ron do something?

"Tom says he's just around the corner, but I want you two to be careful."

"Roger that, boss!"

Woah woah woah. Hang on. That definitely sounds like I – Ron, did something. Also...Tom?

Like...Tom Riddle– oh. Oh fuck.

This is a problem. Somehow I'm in...god, this sounds really fucking idiotic, but I'm most likely in one of those fanfictions where Dumbledore is 'the bad guy' in the sense that he's bashed beyond any recognition, with HP/LV slash thrown into the mix if what I'm hearing is right. I could be wrong. But I'm willing to bet there's some Ron bashing in here too, good lord.

That would explain why they're looking for me?

How do I even get out of this?

...okay, I'm going to turn this thing off for a while. I need to not think about anything else other than escaping them, first and foremost.

I'll update you in a bit.

[timaeusTestified is offline]

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