Entry # 8

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Maanu Alley is my new best friend. I don't particularly give one shit that its an inanimate area with no sentient mind -- its got everything I need and is there for me,  so the alley is my best friend. You can fight me on this, but you'd no doubt lose because from the very depths of my soul, screw you and not breaking reality. Have you seen John? Reality is broken. I can damn well do what I want.

I honestly adore this alley now. It's got loads of shit that goes unnoticed if you didn't know what you were looking for.

And the clothes.

Good grief, the clothes.

Let me tell you, I came inside that tailor shop expecting to get three pairs of outfits, and I came out with a wardrobe trunk. Full of absolutely every kind of clothing there was in the magical world. Hell, I'd gotten Japanese cut robes! My inner weeb has now been satisfied.

As another joke, I asked them if they had something close to Rainbow Dash. I don't know how they knew it existed, but I swear they just pulled up a rack and pulled out a shiny blue formal looking coat that shined rainbows when the light hit it just right.

Yes, I bought it. What do you take me for, a reasonable person? It's Rainbow Dash. You can't not tell me you would not purchase a steal of something like this?

It's getting pretty hot right now. Since I have my clothes, I think I should shut in for a while, in the inn. It's not like I have anything better to -- lakfjlaijpfampeocdmERROR ERROR ERROR


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