Entry # 10

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I can't believe you forgot Percy. He's your brother, Weasley. For shame.

Not if you couldn't tell, but we were a bit preoccupied with a lot of other things!

He seemed rather relieved when I showed up...though not after a thorough beration of how much of a downright idiot I was for not checking in earlier. If I hadn't come sooner, apparently Dumbledore would have...looked.

And attention from that man is the last thing we want. So, y'know.

Speaking of which, I should probably go thank Luna for keeping my head -- and soul-- on straight. No offense to the Dirk side of me (that will never stop being weird will it?), but the longer we'd have gone on /your/ soul alone the faster we'd disentegrate. And I don't much fancy the idea of making Percy more incensed than he already is. Or more fussy. Or generally just...more stressed, I suppose.

No, no, I really shouldn't. Lovegood's in cahoots with Potter. Its bad idea numero uno no matter how many times you look at it. Why had I even considered it? There's only a small, barely 20% chance of me coming out of that confrontation alive, and out of that a mere 5% chance of not getting injured in the process. The odds are, essentially, stacked against me in that regard. So no, no thanking Luna until at least 5 years later.

I should thank the high heavens that Percy was willing to believe me when I said I had the consciousness of a God dwelling inside me.

It was really freaky, though, when he'd said I'd been claimed since ever since I'd been born. I thought the birthmark on my chest was just a weird quirk, but here we are. I don't even remotely remember making a mark on myself, as Dirk. I had barely beaten the game with my family at that point?

Tim shenanigans. It has to be time shenanigans. I'll put down a note to ask Dave or the ram-horned troll about it sometime soon. Preferably before I'm burnt to a crisp or tortured beyond measure.

To say Percy was freaked out about my kidnapping (before awakening as Dirk Strider, apparently) was an understatement. He wouldn't let me go for hours, the hours lost working in the MoM and his job be damned. Why does every Weasley say Percy was an uppity little bastard when this overly anxious, super stressed and constantly on caffeine addled is what I see? And I'm the insomniac. It is very, very weird.

I can't necessarily blame Percy, however. Maybe I should give him a book to unwind. The Percy Jackson books?

No, those don't exist yet.

Percy, after getting over the initial shock over the revelations I revealed to him (as if I was going to keep him in the dark. Nothing good comes out of bottling stuff up, as I've learned from exhibit # a, Harry Potter) was all but interested in how I planned to go from here.

We spent a fair amount of time scheming back-up plan after back-up plan. Dumble-dick's next assignment for me was to, essentially, stick my nose into Potter's business so hard that I may as well be watching a live-stream of Potter and Riddle banging like some bad porn flick.

My dilemma is how I'm going to go about it this time.

One problem is that I now have a genius brain capable of photographic memory and calculating the odds out of everything. Hence the numerous back-up plans. Whatever I do ends up being super subtle and super convoluted that its very much not how Ron Weasley, pre-infusion, operated.

Granted, some of those plans were ridiculously flashy, but again, convoluted enough that it glaringly seemed impossible for it to be 'Ron'.

Percy was definitely amazed at what I'd accomplished. I think he drooled a little.

But I'm really thankful for a brother like him. He was able to calm me down from my high and get me thinking rationally to kink out some of the details in many plans and back-up plans.

Apparently, I'm the only Weasley sibling that hasn't pranked anyone yet, all because Percy mentioned that young or old, people fell for the same tricks, which is terrifying to think about because it meant Percy managed to fool everyone into thinking he's just a stuck-up "pure-blood" hoping to rise up the ranks.

But the plans he helped clean up...man, you don't want to know.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure Dumbledore intends for Percy and I to be the bait. We're still being hunted by the Dark Cookie Club Crew (D3C, for now), and to be honest all this planning and thinking and generally being alive makes me want to curl up and die on the spot.

Percy and I agreed to iron out the first of our plans to fuck shit up with the D3C tomorrow and carry it out the next week, after we've made the proper preparations.

I haven't told Percy this, but I finally purchased that apartment, in a nice little town away from the general vicinity of Magical Britain should things ever go south. I'll head there in two day's time, to set up most of my rigs and tech, and unloading my sylladex before it becomes a problem.

...can spells be captchalogued?

...I'll test it some other time. I'm sorry, reader, for the wild trains of thought here. I haven't got the chance to get much sleep, what with paranoia and all keeping me awake.

Oh, and Ron's Anxiety levels and Dirk's Insomnia certainly aren't helping any.

Either way, I'll try to get some shut-eye tonight.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day.

[tentativeTraitor is Offline]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2020 ⏰

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