Entry # 9

14 1 0

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Holy shit.

Agh, no, I shouldn't be surprised. It's Luna, after all.

She was a lot like Rose, isn't she?

..Yeah. Yeah, she really is.

What about Harry? What about him? We should explain. Since when has that ever been good for us?


Yes, you idiot. Us. Lovegood's ritual?

Is that what that was?

Yes. If we want to be completely technical, it was a runic circle designed for beings like me.

Oh...right. The Prince of Heart, right? She called you that.

Do I have to reiterate this? Us. We're one singular individual now, Ron. Get yourself together. Whatever Lovegood --

Luna. At least call her that.

Fine. Whatever Luna did, it awakened us into...whatever we are now.

So...You're..me, now?

Yeah. And I'm you. Right now, I have complete unhindered access to every single one of Ron Weasley's set of memories, emotions, beliefs, all that life shit. And you have complete unhindered access to mine. Abilities and everything.

Wait, so...

Fuck! Don't do that, you half-brained moron!

Sorry! My bad.

Come on, Weasley. We have experience on both the Wizarding World and the clusterfuck I was in now. Use that brain of yours.

I'm sorry we all weren't born geniuses like you.

You really didn't see yourself as one?

Compared to Hermione? Harry? The twins? What genius was there in me?

So all your carefully made plans, those weren't the stroke of a genius?

That doesn't really count.

On the contrary, I believe it does. Ron, if anyone with half the common sense I do right now saw you in the middle of concocting those schemes, they likely would have kidnapped you and made you write military grade strategies for decades.

You're just saying that.

Okay. We have a lot to work with here. We'll leave it for later. Percy, huh?

Yeah. I didn't want to keep bothering him, so I thought I'd carry out that mission alone.

Until I came?

Until you came.

Are you mad?

What's there to be mad about? There's no point trying to change things that can't be changed.

...fuck, Potter, you really wasted a good chance.

What's that supposed to mean?

You're in my brain, smart guy. You tell me.

Okay, no, I'm not thinking about that. Oh god. Are you going to do that again?

I'm not going to make another AI again, if that's what you're asking.

So...you won't try to captchalogue -- that word's a mouthful -- your brain again?

I don't know, Ron. Will you?

Definitely not.

Then there you go.

Argh, we really don't have time for this. 

Remember, we're one person now. 'I' pronouns, Weasley. I know that!

Right. So. Runic Circle designed for Gods...for some reason. One would think there wouldn't be anything like it, but sucks to be you if you thought that, I guess.

By inspecting Luna's chant more closely...those weird lines she said. They were most likely labels. Titles. For tying a god to a mortal soul.

It was slightly modified though. Else I wouldn't have the Heart Aspect's abilities anymore.

In any case, this little detour hasn't changed my goals in the slightest. I STILL do need to go the Knockturn Alley, if only to keep track of what Harry and Riddle's been doing. Dumbledore, well, I get enough of that from Percy, so I'm sure we're sufficiently covered on that end.

...'sufficiently'? Blimey, I didn't think I'd ever get the chance to expand my vocabulary...and vitriol too, now that I think about it.

Back on track, thank you Dirk's attention span, I got the books. I've got a good wardrobe. Should I get a house, though? I've got experience living in an apartment, and mum's made me clean the house without magic so I'm basically covered. Am I thinking too much into this? Can't be. Maybe I need to assimilate a little more to Dirk Strider's personality, with priorities on his thought process. Ron Weasley...well, there are some traits there that could balance Dirk's. The emotional part, for one. Don't want to tip the blurry grey line of ambiguous morality.

...oh fuck. Percy!

Also. I need to change that handle for the time being...

[User's handle has been changed.]

[tentativeTraitor is now Offline]

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