Entry #2

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Newsflash: the Wizarding world is as backwards as fanfiction says it is. Whoop-de-fucking do.

I wonder how Potter even missed me. I was in, mind you, the most obvious goddamn place in the muggle world.

I was in the mall. (Fuck you, I've never been in one. Sue me.) Checking clothes out and buying them.(I learned how to nick and steal shit, alright, gimme a break) Making a complete wardrobe change. I've been contemplating about dyeing my hair to blonde too, but I figured that would come later.

Back to Potter. He's. Well, I'll give the guy credit, he probably didn't expect someone who knows more futuristic 'muggle' (I'll pick up the words from time to time) technology to suddenly shove Ron Weasley to the side and take over the redhead's body and actually know how to be subtle ad discreet. I'll even bet that he was probably in the mindset of 'Ron Weasley does not know how to muggle and therefore will be super fucking obvious in the muggle world, thus if we don't see him there he's either off country or hiding in a place really well hidden.'

Ah. Sweet irony sometimes. And not the bullshit Dave and I do on a daily basis. I mean pure goddamn irony that contradicts statements like they're the Queen of England.

In any case, as soon as I finished raiding the dollar store (a lame variation of it, sadly) I decided what the hell, let's go back to whatever the Wizarding world was up to. For lack of anything better to do.

Getting into Diagon Alley was maybe a little harder that I originally expected. For one thing, it was never made clear what the combination of the wall tapping pass-code was, and I'm sure as hell not going to rely purely on movie knowledge.

I had to watch a couple of other wizards do it again and again before I finally felt certain. Of course, I could've just asked, but I still don't feel all that comfortable talking with anyone, not with my mind still whirling with possible outcomes and decisions I could make in my current predicament.

It's like channeling an inner-Rose without having the 'Seer' bullshit persona and instead being frustrated because there are so many options. It's like an infinite amount of the fundamental principles of counting. Therefore there was no definite answer except when I'd already make the choice, which in turn defeats the entire prospect of 'planning'.

And to add; planning shit has never been my forte. That was all Hal who, despite having my mindset, is an AI. Meaning he can whip up a plan (like Synchronize) in no time flat, with our best interests in mind.

Its like he said himself. He's me, without all the emotional baggage.

After I got the right combination (not counting the three other tries I had to do) I entered Diagon Alley and swiped the first Daily Prophet I could find.

What I saw I didn't expect.

Apparently Potter (and Riddle) had gotten pretty desperate. Now they've gone and had an article about me and 'my' wrongdoings published.

Before I get into that, I probably need to tell you why I'm not having an aneurysm about being another person entirely.

The answer? I'm that one person who wouldn't mind being anyone else right now. I got that wish, just not in a way that I'd expected. And like every wish, there's a price. I guess living as Ron Weasley in fan-fiction was that price.

I might have a breakdown later, going into comatose, but I've pushed that priority at the back of my mind for now. I can't do it here. Not yet. Not until I know no one will come looking for me.

The article started out okay, really. But then it kinda delved right into legitimate ass-fuckery I did not expect Potter of all people to have. And when I mean legitimate, I mean the kind of legitimate that contains valid evidence.

It's blowing my mind away. Assuming Potter was a fair guy, 'I' must've done something real horrible to have warranted that kind of measure. I need to know what that is. Maybe I can turn the tide over and disappear with a new purpose, back in America, or hell, maybe even in Japan.

As for what the actual article said informed me a lot of what the hell Ron was doing before I came along. Apparently he'd hurt his sister, Ginny, disabling her from walking properly. Then he – huh, get this – impregnated Hermione Granger. That's beyond levels of fucked up, especially if I were to make the assumption that 'I' didn't step up to take responsibility. Or did something to have his own rights to his children justifiably revoked.

Either way, it's clear things aren't looking so hot for me. I don't know what course of action I'll take, but hopefully, I can make one soon.

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