Character Sketch

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Parth Samthaan as Manik Malhotra-

Lead Singer of the famous band Fab5, works in his father's company. Loves his friends and treats them as his family. Hates his Mother Niyonika. Loves his father, Raj Malhotra. Is somewhat reseverd with him Though he knows his father loves him. Short tempered but a baby by heart. A fun loving person around his loved ones.

Ayaz Ahmed as Cabir Dhawan-

Drummer of Fab5. A great and mature person but that doesn't stop him from being a prankstar. He allways crack jokes. He doesn't easily gets angry but if once he got angry then no one can control him. He is also a big time flirt.

Charlie Chauhan as Mukti Vardhan-

Electric Guitarist of Fab5. Tomboy, doesn't share a good bond with her parents who resides in another city for business purposes. Short tempered but beautiful by heart. Although Mukti is not Manik's real sister, she wastreats him as an elder brother.

Krissann Barretto as Alia Murty-

Pianist in Fab5. A fashionista. Step Sister of Nandini Murty and Harshad Murty. In relationship with Dhruv Vedant from their college days. Treats Harshad as her own brother. Doesn't like Nandini much but still have a soft corner for her in her heart. Somewhere she knows her mother's hatred for Nandini is not justified.

Works in Malhotra Industries along with her friends but is waiting for an opportunity to pursue her career in Fashion Designing.

Uttkarsh Gupta as Dhruv Vedant-

Guitarist in Fab5. A Shy person who doesn't like mingling up with many people. In relationship with Aliya from their college days. Dance is his passion.

Niti Taylor as Nandini Murty-

Owner of NHA Music Labels. Nandini is rude, and arrogant woman and is addressed as NM by everyone. Short tempered, and a complete workholic. Her friends were her family two years ago but that one fortunate tragedy snatched her everything.

Karan Wahi as Harshad Murty-

Nandini's real brother. Though Aliya is his step sister, Harshad never lets her feel so. The past two years had brought many differences in his and his friends relationship including his and Nandini's relationship too.

Zain Imam as Abhimanyu Thakker-

Related to Nandini's past. Loves her like anything. For him nothing else than Nandini matters for he share such a bond with her. At Present, he is working as a Manager in NHA Music Labels which is owned and managed by NM.

Rohit Roy as Raj Malhotra-

Manik's father. He hates Niyonika for her selfishness. He loves Manik very much. He considers whole Fab5 as his own children. He is currently staying in pune and comes frequently to meet Manik and Fab4 though he knows how much Manik craves for his love.

Kishwer Merchant as Niyonika Malhotra-

She is a defination of a devil. For her only Money and Fame matters. Doesn't love Manik as she thinks Manik came as an obstacle between her and her career.

Shelika Murty- Alia's real mother and step mother of Nandini and Harshad. Hates Nandini and even pretends to love Harshad but in actual cares for only Aliya.

Nilesh Murty- Late Husband of Shelika Murty. After Nandini's mother, Nivetra Murty's death, he married Shelika for Nandini and Harshad. .

More characters will be introduced as the story proceeds.

To Be Continued.

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