8. Nandini Murty is Dead

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You did all this!

You were always jealous of her!

You shouldn't have done that!

You are a curse!

You snacthed my life from me!

You are a bad luck!

You are a bad omen!

Stay away from me!

Don't touch me!

No! I didn't do anything!

Why would I be jealous of her!?

I didn't do anything!

No, please trust me!

Please listen to me!

I am innocent!

Please, don't leave me!


These words were all that Nandini could hear in her dreams. Suddenly, she sat up on the bed with a jerk. Her eyes wide open and forehead filled with sweat.

No matter how much she tried she just couldn't get rid of this nightmares. Nightmares! Which were given to her by her own people, her own family.

Wiping her forehead, She looked around to find herself at a new place. It was not her room. There was white paint in this room and her's has anything but white. And then suddenly it she striked her! She is in Denmark!

It has been a week since that incident. Siddarth or anyone else didn't talk to her except Abhi. She also didn't show any emotion but it was hurting her. No matter how much she tried to be strong, there was a girl deep inside her who was scared. Scared of everything around her. She wanted someone to hold her, to her tell her that she is not alone.

However, Fab5 were also there as they didn't wanted to leave. So Abhi asked them to stay. They all were living in Kapoor Mansion except Nandini who was staying in a famous hotel there.

Siddarth was completely fine now except some injuries and today they were going back.

Nandini came to Kapoor mansion to inform Abhi about her departure and to tell him that he should also come fast. Since he is the manager of NM labels. He could not afford to take so much leaves. She was at the door only when all the past memories started haunting her.

Siddarth is sitting on the couch, eating an apple. Suddenly, his eyes fell on Nandini and Harshad coming from the door. Harshad was holding her on his back and she was laughing on a joke cracked by him.

They came near couch and Nandini sat down with a thud, grabbing Sid's apple she took a big bite from it.

Sid whined like a child seeing her eating his apple,"Oye! It was mine!"

"So what? It is for me na. You take another and eat."

"But I was eating this one cupcake! You could have got another." He whined.

Journey Of Emotions | MaNan (under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now