13. Sleep Well, Babygirl

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Manik: Guys, I guess I have heard that tune before also. I don't remember exactly where but I strongly feel I have.

As Manik said this, the other four looked at him shocked. How was it even possible?

Dhruv: What?

Cabir: When?

Mukti: Where?

Manik: Yes, but I don't remember when and where.

Aliya: How's this even possible, Manik? Di never sang in public.

Dhruv: You must have misunderstood, Manik

Mukti: Yes, that's possible, Manik and then maybe two people can play guitar in the same way? Even we could connect your tune with hers.

Manik: Guys, Believe me. I am not having lying.

He let out a sigh, not knowing how to make them believe. He literally breathed music. There was no way he could mistake the tune like that.

Cabir: Guys, If Manik is saying so then there must be something we are missing. Don't worry, Manik.

Manik: How Cabir? With each passing second, the opportunity to find everything is also slipping away from my hands.

Mukti: Wait! Manik, Cabir? What's going on?

Manik and Cabir looked at her then at Dhruv and Aliya who were also giving them Tell-us-What-Is-Happening look.

Manik: Guys, I will tell you everything once we get home.

Cabir: You sure you want to share with everyone?

Aliya: What do you mean by this, Cabir? You know there are no secrets allowed in Fab5 .

Dhruv: Cabir, Aliya is right. And maybe by sharing we can solve the problem.

Cabir: Guys-

Manik: I will tell you after reaching home guys.

He interuppted in between and Fab3 nodded while he assured Cabir with his eyes that he is okay with sharing with them. They were his friends, the only people who loved him apart from his father. Infact, at some time point of his life, even his father wasn't there physically, but they were, always.

As they reached Murty Mansion, without wasting any time they freshened up and gathered in Manik's room.

Mukti: Manik, Now tell us what's happening?

Manik looked up at her and then at Dhruv and Aliya. He could see the worry in their eyes for him. Suddenly a tint of guilt aroused in him as he realized he broke their rule. Rule of not keeping any secrets from them. He looked down being ashamed and the trio understood what he was thinking.

Mukti sighed loudly and looked at Dhruv and Aliya, who nodded. She held Manik's hand tightly squeezing it which eventually forced him to look up while Cabir was smiling all the time.

Mukti: Why are you looking down?

Manik: I shouldn't have hid things from you three. I am really sorry guys.

Dhruv: Com'on, buddy. It is your life. You can hide your personal things from us.

Aliya: And we all have the right to hide about our personal things, Manik. There are many things that me and Dhruv haven't shared with you all because we want privacy.

Manik: But you were saying-

Cabir: They were worried for you, Manik. That's why they said all that.

Aliya: My sister, She is a mystery Manik. You don't realize it, but the more you are trying to solve her mystery, the more you are losing yourself.

Journey Of Emotions | MaNan (under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now