03 | Why did I drink so much?

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"Taehyung, it is Taehyung"

"Yes Taehyung so this case has been handed over to police as your sister has been a victim of sexual assault, and it has seemed to have a very bad effect on her brain, so she is not in the right set of mind to respond to stuff"

My eyes closed, anger boiled up in me and was about to blast out like a bomb in a few seconds. A hand was put on my shoulder which calmed me down, however, that hand soon took off as I realized it was my Dad.

"Son, thank god you came, we need to discuss something with you," My Step-Mum said

I signalled her to carry on, she explained a lot and I completely agree, Taeyeon was coming with me to my dorm. I know her, and I can't afford to lose another part of my family.


3 days, a whole 3 days past. Taeyeon was going to be discharged today, finally, I get to take her home. I already informed my BTS members about my sister coming in, so now I am going to share a room with Jimin since he gave his room for her as it was quite big.

I went to meet the doctor, "Hi doctor, are there any more tests needed?"

"No, we have conducted the tests needed, I just need you to fill out this form and Miss Kim is ready to go home, and yes if you need any assistance, just call me" He handed me some form to fill out, which I quickly did and handed back over to him

"Thank you"

"It was my job, anyway take care of her and yes here are some things to cautious about" he handed me another paper and headed off to his cabin.

I went into her ward and there sat my dad and mum, waiting. 

"I can take her home now" I informed them. I went up to my sister to pick her up and take her with me.

"Take care of her," My dad said worryingly if he did care this wouldn't have happened.

"Of course I will, she is my sister" We all went out.

"I will be checking on you" My dad stared intensely at me 

"Sure do whatever you want" I placed my sister in the car at the back and shut the door. After bidding bye to Mum and my dad I also went inside the car. I'm going to get my old sister back, who abused me, laughed at me, got angry at me but also loved me, who could talk all day, all night.


I heard Taehyung was going to bring his sister here, as an incident happened, and I still can't remember what happened that night all hear is the voice of a girl calling for help. I have nightmares about it but it is blurry.

The doorbell was to be heard. Jin hyung went to open the door. There stood Taehyung with his sister in his arms.

"Hi," Taehyung said as he came in with her went straight to Jimin's room. When he came out he went straight to the couch. Couch potato.

He explained everything to us and. And everything came back to me, it was her that night. I wanted to kill myself there and then, I quickly ran into my room.

"Why did I agree to go out with them? Why didn't I stop them? Why did I drink so much?" I punched the wall in guilt and anger, I knew I was the reason behind her situation. What do I do?

That is when I heard the door creak. There stood a figure of my hyung with a questionable face.


How was the update? Who do you think this unknown person make some guesses? Read the next chap to find out. I know it is a short chapter, but better than nothing.

Thank you, Hope you enjoyed reading.

Avi xx 

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