10 | 'Don't worry I am with you'

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Hanging up - loud bangs were audible through thick walls knocking the life out the walls, yelling to come in, my heart raced, mind blank not knowing what to do. I hastily unlocked my phone to call my manager. However, I was faced with beeps from the other line. I remembered my priority - Taeyeon.

Barging into her room, seeking for her figure, which was nowhere to be found.

"Taeyeon" I spoke not too loud.

Aghast, alarmed and awed - I ran for my life into the bathroom expecting Taeyeon to be in there as I heard the door unlock, just as I was about to come in contact with the door I fell on the person opposite as the boor abruptly swung open causing a loud thump.

Taeyeon winced beneath me, "I- I'm sorry" bewildered - I stayed in the position not knowing how to get back up without being awkward.

"I can't breathe, can you get off me" she spoke in a low tone hatred visible in her tone, I get off her and stood straight, just as she stood up a familiar voice was heard, it was Joohyun's. I quickly cover Taeyeon's mouth to prevent her from speaking, I didn't want her to be in front of them but my blood boiled wanting to get out of here and murdering them, however, that was impossible since Taeyeon was with me.

"Look you, coward, wherever you are come out" Jaemin screamed, aiming at me.

Calm down Jungkook, they are no harm, your priority is Taeyeon, who was busy biting my hand. "Ow," I spoke in a very low tone as she squirmed, "Look calm down, there are some strangers who barged in, so stay calm and just do what I am telling you to do, forget that I was ever a rapist, which I actually wasn't but I need you to co-operate with me, please" I pleaded her, but she bit my hand again, I removed my hand.

"Look I can take care of myself and don't you dare touch me, I can barely remove your marks off me, I beg you to not make me dirtier than I already am" She pushed my arms away, her words shocked me - she was still traumatized about that night as her eyes glistened holding back her tears. She started walking towards the door as a voice yelled again outside, in her room, "Are you in here? just stop hiding" Jaemin again and it was outside that bathroom.

I hastily grabbed Taeyeon's hand, preventing her from opening the door and swung her around, while hiding behind the door, "I am sorry" I spoke and covered her mouth as the door opened.

"Where the hell is that boy?" He spoke again while looking in the bathroom.

"Jaemin, whatever it is he is still our friend, he won't give a statement against us" Chen-soo spoke in a polite tone, thinking he would do such an act disgusts me.

"Shut up or I will kill you as well, why did I even bring you with me?" Jaemin spoke rhetorically, I can't believe these guys were once my friends.

"I'm sorry" Chen-Soo spoke as his eyes darted to where I stood, making eye contact I panicked, "Jaemin, I don't think they will be here, there could be in the loft or storeroom where it would be hard to find them" Chen-Soo suggested.

"Well if I don't find him or that girl today, you will face the worst of me" Jaemin, at this point, was boiling with anger as well as fear, "the only person who knows us, and that we committed the crime is Jungkook and that girl could recognize us, so I can't let them live, you don't understand Chen-Soo we could go to jail and I don't want to stay in jail, so just co-operate, we're in this together right," Jaemin spoke in a calm tone and walked off, while Joohyun followed.

"I am very sorry, Jungkook, I wasn't in my senses but I want you to know that you are innocent we are the criminals, I hope you understand" he looked at me, with tears in his eyes as he was about to walk off he saw a female caged in my arms, squirming to free herself, I let go of her but still covered her mouth, "I'm sorry, I know a sorry is not enough to heal the wound we have caused but I really feel guilty I also know a victim can never forgive a rapist but I just want you to know that Jungkook didn't do anything, he probably doesn't even remember much because of the spiked drink that Jaemin served him, and once again I am sorry" with that he left, handing me a note in my hand.

Taeyeon bit my hand again, "Don't you ever touch me again". Guilt washed - she was still holding her tears back, she should just cry, relieve herself.

"I am sorry, anyway I don't think we are safe here" I whispered, "I think we should hide somewhere else" I walked out lightly and Taeyeon followed, I looked around to find somewhere for us to hide, suddenly my eyes traced the bed, "Underneath the bed, it that okay with you?"

"Well anywhere is good until Tae or Jimin comes" she spoke.

I let her crawl under first, as I was about to get under, I remembered my phone, which I had left in the bathroom, "hey I will be back in a second, I will go get my phone to contact V hyung or Jimin okay?"

"Okay, I'll be hiding here" I walked into the bathroom and went to the white counter where my phone stood. Walking out the bathroom, towards the bed I heard footsteps of the rapists, I had to act quickly but I didn't have enough time to crawl under the bed, thinking logically without putting Taeyeon in danger. I swiftly run to the cabinet near the bed where I hid, covering myself with a cloth, as on bell the door opened. A loud voice yelled.

"Get out you coward, man up Jungkook", he continued, "get out before I drag you out" Jaemin spoke in anger.

"Jaemin we didn't look in the bathroom. properly" Joohyun clarified.

"Then check it!" He spat at his mates.


Their footsteps were heard, just like that night heading towards their prey, my heart raced while I brought my knees to my chest and snuggled my face into it. Trembling - memories of my past, painted in my head, I didn't want a panic attack, I didn't want to be depressed, I only wanted to live my life happily with my family, but everything in the world is a lie - including my existence. For the first time I wanted someone by me, I wanted Jungkook by me, at least I felt safe and loved, but he left me just like everyone. Why does everyone leave me? Was I really a curse?

I didn't want to cry, no matter what I went through I knew my mum was with me, through thick and thin but know it all seems like a lie. Never in my life have I felt so solitary, I remember my mother's words, the words that she wrote for me before breathing her last breath which wrote.

'Dear my daughter, I hope your dad named you Taeyeon, no matter what it is, your mother is always going to stay by your side, I want you to take care of this family for me, take care of your dad and brother. Stay strong this world is cruel so never show anyone your weakness, always smile and stay happy even in bad times remember bad times will come and go, to break you but you got to stay strong my daughter. I can't see you cry so always keep that innocent smile on your face for me and yourself. I love you and you should always love yourself' It was her first and last words to me through her letter which I received on my 8th birthday from my dad as a gift since he couldn't keep it away from me any longer and he thought I was mature enough.

But I failed everyone - Mum, Dad, Taehyung and myself.

I always smiled when my aunt abused not physically but verbally. I smiled when I felt depressed. I smiled when I hated myself but it was all fake I lost my genuine smile forever. The pain my aunt caused was nothing to this mental and physical pain these rapists caused, that pain would heal in a few days but the pain now is erasable, it tortures me mentally and physically, however, I don't want to show it, I dodn' want anyone to see my weakness. 

I knew I couldn't keep this act for long. I had to stop lying and face reality, but it seems impossible. 

I just want to come to you Mom. I miss you.

Abruptly, a figure hugged my quivering body but my mind was not in a state to react.

"Don't worry I am with you" 


Republishing the book so far 12 chapters written. Hope you enjoyed reading.
Avi x 

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